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Everything posted by hayamate

  1. Anyone else down to the wire in making a decision? Deciding between Tufts and Penn: Tufts gave me the best offer at the beginning, but Penn has upped their offer in recent days. Right now the cost of attending are: Tufts: 1k tuition + fees cost (scholarship + RA + stipend for moving expenses) + 30k COL = 31k/year Penn: 15k tuition + fees cost (scholarship + RA + Work Study) + 23k COL = 38k/year I really like both programs and trying to determine if I should go with the cheaper option, or go for the bigger name, even if it cost $14k more.
  2. Nice congrats! I was able to speak with chair of the department, told them the gap between their program (#1 choice) and the program that offered me the best packages (#2 choice). They gave me a bit more money, but it still leaves a 30k difference in cost of attending. Love the program, but can't justify spending twice as much for it.
  3. Has anyone been successful in asking, and getting, more funding? I got a substantial offer from a top 20 program and I'm trying to leverage it to get more funding from a top 10 program.
  4. Sorry about your loss, but congrats on going to Berkeley!
  5. I received a very small amount of aid (around 10k). The program is my #1 choice since I want to go into transportation planning, but I received a more substantial financial aid offer from another program, which will allow me to graduate with little to no debt. Unfortunately Penn is known to not hand out as much aid as other similarly rank programs.
  6. One of the reasons that led me to apply to Tufts was that you can register to take classes at other instituions in Greater Boston, including Harvard and MIT. So even if Tufts transportation planning courses are not as extensive as other programs, you could supplement it with taking classes at other programs.
  7. I am! A former colleague graduated from the program and recommended it. Still haven't determine which program to go. Are you planning to attend Tufts?
  8. Updating now that I received all financial aid offers. Disappointed on Penn's offer given that it was my #1 choice. Decision now is between Tufts and Hunter: Tufts covers close to 100% tuition but will require a move. Hunter offers no funding, but in-state tuition is cheap and I already live in NYC.
  9. Thanks just saw it. Only 5k scholarship for me. Penn was my #1 choice, but I can't justify going to that much debt for the program.
  10. Congrats!! Where did you saw the financial aid offer? I got the early acceptance email 2 weeks ago but doesn't see anything on my inbox.
  11. Since I live in NY, my barometer is if it's competitive, price-wise, to an in-state program such as Hunter. That includes tuition - scholarships/RA/TA + cost of living. I've asked planners in the field and what I've come across is that there's no program worth getting into large debt, and that program prestige doesn't matter as much in the real world, especially if you plan to work on the public sector. If you're an international student, maybe it matters a bit more in terms of program prestige, but the salaries are not there to make it worth going severely into debt.
  12. I'm on the same boat. At least I'll know about Penn on Thursday, although I'm tempering my expectations. Also have not heard back from Temple, but I'm definitely not expecting any financial aid package there.
  13. You're right. Tufts public information link from PAB has 54k, while the link from the admitted students portal has the 39k. Not sure why Tufts keeps the conflicting info up.
  14. Anyone has any information on why there was huge jump in tuition cost at Tufts? For 19-20, their tuition was 38k. 20-21, the tuition ballooned to 54k. Increases in tuition are to be expected, but I certainly was not expecting it to be 42%! It severely dampers my excitement of receiving 31k in funding.
  15. Updating to reflect Tufts scholarship offer of $31k. That's close to covering full tuition. Curious to see how much (if any) financial aid Penn provides.
  16. After a couple of years working in transportation advocacy, I decided to plan my next steps and attend planning school to give back to the communities I've served. Age/Gender/Citizenship 31/M/US Undergraduate degree/School/Year graduated BA in Communications/Flagship state university at a Spanish-speaking country/2011 GPA - GRE - TOEFL (for Int'l students) 3.62 - no - granted waivers due to work experience Work Experience: - 5 years at a transportation advocacy group in a major US city. Spearheaded projects in BIPOC communities for alternatives mode of transportation, as well directed strategy at a city-level. Letter of recommendations: (from whom) Four: Former supervisor/professional mentor, former colleague that has a Master's in urban planning, Deputy Director of current employer, Program Manager at a non-profit that co-managed my work serving BIPOC residents. Schools applied to: Penn, Tufts, Temple, Hunter College, George Washington In: Penn, Tufts, Temple, Hunter College, George Washington (25% scholarship) Out: Wait-list: Awaiting: Results: Waiting on financial aid packages from other programs before making a decision.
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