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Everything posted by daxdim

  1. Actually got my funding letter from them this morning -- had almost given up on them offering anything!
  2. No, I messaged them earlier this week to ask some clarifying questions but haven't gotten a response yet.
  3. Sometime in February -- I think we may have chatted on reddit
  4. Updating to reflect my last two acceptances! Very shocked but blessed to have gotten into every program I applied to. There was no mention of funding in either acceptance email, but fingers crossed GTech says something about it in the coming days. Looks a lot like Los Angeles is in my future though! :^)
  5. Figured I'd add my stats and results for posterity's sake -- best of luck to all my fellow applicants! Age/Gender/Citizenship 26/M/US Undergraduate degree/School/Year graduated BA in anthropology/ southern state school / 2015 GPA - GRE - TOEFL (for Int'l students) 3.47 -- 163 V/152 Q/5.0 W Work Experience: 3+ years in research consultancy; 2 years at alma mater in international recruitment office; multiple internships during undergrad (marketing and refugee services) Letter of recommendations: (from whom) One undergraduate professor/mentor and two project directors at research consultancy firm Schools applied to (Master's): UNC, USC, Georgia Tech, Texas Southern, U of Hawaii, U of Louisville In: UNC, USC, Texas Southern, U of Louisville Out: Wait-list: Awaiting: Georgia Tech, U of Hawaii Results: UNC (5k for first year), USC (Merit scholarship -- full tuition), Texas Southern (no funding), U of Louisville (no funding) UNC was my top choice but their funding offer is super low despite their reputation for being fairly generous, especially towards out of state students according to folks I spoke with. I'm guessing COVID really did a number on their funding availability this year. Still waiting to hear back from a few programs but USC's offer is a pretty convincing argument for itself! Good luck everyone still waiting to hear back from places.
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