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Posts posted by bbj

  1. 6 hours ago, elboujee said:

    This sounds similar to my experience a few years back.

    My grades were horrible my first 3 years of undergrad (too much partying, unfocused). By year 4 I had an epiphany that if I didn’t get my sh*t together I wouldn’t qualify for many opportunities after graduation. I re-took 9 (NINE!) courses to qualify for Honours thesis work. I ended up getting high grades, a departmental excellence award, and making life-long connections with my profs during the last 2 years. And I graduated with an Honours thesis under my belt. My undergrad took a total of 6 years to complete. AND I took 6 more ‘medically-related’ courses at Athabsca after graduation. 

    I was accepted to UBC and McGill this year. In my opinion, upgrading while still in university is a wise idea. Don’t stress about how long it takes you. Your path is yours, and yours alone. The discipline to extend school to upgrade shows maturity and tenacity. Focus on getting that upward trend (in grades or experience). You GOT this! :)

    Thank you and the others who replied to my post so much! Your thoughts and experiences were super helpful! 

  2. Just now, Excel725 said:

    If you graduate and then upgrade, some schools won't count the courses you take as a non-degree student as part of your final GPA calculation (ie. UofT MPH)

    so it's better I stay in my degree? 

  3. Hey guys,

    Idk if this is the right place to ask this but maybe someone here will know ... 

    If I take an extra year to a semester to upgrade as part of my degree, how is that looked at by universities? (this means I will be graduating in 5.5 to 6 years (total))

    Is this an issue? is it better if i graduate then upgrade ? what are you thoughts please let me know


  4. 14 minutes ago, AlChuck said:

    Long time lurker here.  I only applied to U of A MPH epi stream.  Saw a couple of you here that are still pre-screening (me too!).  Not sure if that should give us hope or if we're all rejects.  I would be so happy to just be "under review" right now.  I was a keener and applied Oct 2 and all letters of recommendation in by mid Oct.  I have literally been waiting for half a year now ?

    what are your stats and experiences? 

  5. 15 minutes ago, brzy said:

    So if we haven't heard anything by now then its probably a rejection? also i applied to MPH not MSc so idk if that changes anything

    i honestly don't know, i've waited so long its tiring 

  6. Just now, brzy said:

    ahhhhh i didn’t see that! so i guess i should assume that’s a rejection ? lol

    that's what I've been trying to figure out! If there have been a round of rejections already or they just wait to send out rejections all together? if they have rounds of offers?? I'm so confused and have so many questions and so tired of waiting just want an answer already 

  7. Just now, brzy said:

    same here! but my application for global health has been under review since january... so the streams must be progressing at very different rates 

    But what does it even mean to be pre-screening in APRIL ... like I don't understand if I'm just not considered or what. Because some people already got their acceptances and I believe their deadline to accept was tmr! 

  8. 1 minute ago, pandorica101 said:

    3.5 last two years, international medical graduate, worked as physician in home country for two years, then as physician assistant in canada. Three medical researches under belt and worked as research assistant during medical school as well as volunteered in couple of non profit during medical school

    as medical school course work is really rigorous i dont have very high gpa or cgpa 

    Okay I think maybe thats what it is, cause my gpa is around the same. But you sound very deserving so I hope your hear good news soon! 

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