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Posts posted by bbj

  1. 2 minutes ago, Natasha7 said:

    what are your stats if you don’t mind me asking?

    my last two years is 3.5, so a lot lower than everyone on here ... I had no idea these programs were this crazy competitive and don't think I have a  shot anymore TBH. What are yours? 

  2. 1 minute ago, nootnoot said:

    Does anyone have any insights on the stats of Western MPH admits? Also has anyone heard about the UoG Msc in population health (public health stream)? I’m considering applying but i feel like there’s not a ton of information online

    can we still apply or is this for the 2022 cycle?

  3. 37 minutes ago, PumpkinPie101 said:

    At 10:28 pm MST, I received my acceptance to U of A's MPH Epidemiology.

    This is after I got rejected by both UBC (last week) and U of T (this morning), so don't lose hope guys!

    Congrats!! What were your stats and experiences? and also did you go right from pre-screening to accepted? 

  4. 11 minutes ago, Natasha7 said:

    Not too sure tbh. I think it depends on marks + experiences. What experiences did you apply with?

    I have close to 1.5 years of research experience working as data analyst in a neuromuscular fatigue lab. The abstract for this was published in ACSM ( I was first author) and the manuscript is on the works to being published for The Journal of Applied Physiology. I have 2 year of experience volunteering as a home visitor for the elderly which is what made me really want to pursue a public health degree. As of November, I also launched my own podcast which talks about biases women face in the health care industries and in addition I completed a practicum working with children placed on the autism spectrum. 

    Not very epi related to be honest so idk 

  5. 1 minute ago, bc.mph.applicant said:

    Hey, I haven't heard back from UBC MPH regarding acceptance/rejection yet.

    Obviously I'm sure each school's process is a bit different, but I have a feeling hearing later might mean you're a second or third round pick or higher up on the waitlist and they're waiting to see how all the spots are filling up with the applicants they've already sent acceptance letters to. They don't want to have to send out too many emails and increase the work load for their administrative staff. Just a thought! Good luck! 

    Ya that's a good point. But since people knew their number for waitlist for SFU and i haven't heard anything it's starting to get me worried. It's just been radio silence. But there isn't anything I can do other than wait :( Thanks for what you said tho it calmed my nerves a bit. Good luck to you too and I hope we hear back soon :)

  6. Just now, cheesecakelover said:

    I'm in the same boat. I did email SFU and they said "Applicants will be contacted by email by the end of March regarding their admission status." 

    Is anyone aware of whether SFU/Alberta/McGill have sent out rejections?

    i think im not accepted tbh because so many people got their acceptances and people know if they're on a wait list 

  7. Just now, LindaZhou said:

    Me too, I did not receive any replies. Fingers crossed!



    7 minutes ago, coolbreeze1997 said:

    I did not get a reply from SFU or McMaster yet. Should I be worried that it is a rejection? 

    same boat! i dont know how it works and whether i should count myself out or if there is still hope 

  8. Just now, BoxingAndMPH said:

    They previously give acceptances/rejections over a period of a couple days or a week. Unless you see “rejected” don’t lose hope!

    I'm honestly frustrated at the system. I applied to UofA back in December it's almost 4 months and pre-screening still, and same trend for other schools I applied to. It's just super anxiety inducing.

  9. 1 hour ago, TheAttackTitan said:

    Hey, I applied to UofA for Global Health and Health Promotion in November and mine is under review at the moment. I'm pretty nervous too

    I dont understand how it works. but at least you're under review :)) has anyone else here applied for epi and heard anything? and does pre-screening mean they havent looked at my application yet? 

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