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  1. Is anyone else here still waiting to hear abt funding from Rutgers? They said they'd continue to make offers into April, but I am losing hope.
  2. Congratulations!!
  3. Ah okay! I am still waiting on my funding info.
  4. when did you hear back from rutgers?
  5. University of Buffalo in upstate NY has a research center doing really cool accessibility work - http://idea.ap.buffalo.edu/
  6. I am considering it! Along with my other options. I love the community-based approach and sustainability focus, but am concerned with the lack of transportation coursework. What have been your thoughts abt transportation at Tufts?
  7. Just jumping on this train today, and thought I'd share my stats. My SOP focused on the intersection of mobility, equity, and public engagement. Gaining technical skills (R, ArcGIS, etc.) is also very important to me in grad school. Age/Gender/Citizenship 25/F/US Undergraduate degree/School/Year graduated BA English / NC university / 2017 GPA - GRE - TOEFL (for Int'l students) 3.5 - waived - N/A Work Experience: 2.5 years of community engagement / program management in nonprofits, 1 year in TDM Letter of recommendations: (from whom) 1 from undergrad academic advisor/professor, 1 from past supervisor/mentor, 1 from current boss in transportation sector Schools applied to: UI Chicago, Rutgers, Tufts, University of Buffalo, and Virginia Tech In: Rutgers (awaiting funding info), UI Chicago ($5K), UB ($3K), Tufts ($16K) Out: Wait-list: Awaiting: Virginia Tech
  8. Hey @heyamate, interested to hear your interest at Tufts! Are you planning to study transportation planning?
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