Hello everyone,
Newbie here, been reading around and have found quite a bit of good advice. Like many others I have found, I'm looking to get into Stanford but have some questions about my application strength that I would like to get some opinions on.
First, even though the topic is about Stanford (since that is my first choice), here are some of the other schools I will be applying to in case anyone can voice extra information.
University of Texas, Austin
Texas A&M
Background: I am a student going into my senior year at a non-prestigious, non-research university with a Computer Science major/Math minor . I will be taking the GRE in August so these scores are expected based on my study for the test.
Total GPA to date: 3.71
This is what really worries me. I have never had a bad semester per se, but I haven't been able to get that 4.00 I've been after either. Every semester since I started there has been one class that I got less than an A in but never less than a C. Some of these classes are less than important (e.g. an online spanish class ( B ), a speaking class ( B ), etc) but three of these classes are. The problem classes are Cal 2 ( C ), Cal 3 ( C ), and Diff Eq( B ) -- this causes me to worry. I have all A's in my Math classes before Cal 2 and after Diff Eq. I do not currently have the explanation for these courses in the statement of purpose. All of my CS specific classes are A's.
GRE: Q (780>)/V(560>)/5.0
Research Background: My only research background is undergraduate research -- pursued by me -- I did this summer in AI. Again, I don't go to a research heavy university so maybe my pushing for it might help my application? (though I doubt it)
Work background: My work background is freelance web development, math lab tutor, and freelance visual effects development. My visual effects work resulted in several jobs, contactsand product sales in countries around the world such as Germany, England andAustralia as well as with companies such as Blizzard Entertainment, CBS Digitaland Lockheed Martin. I mention this in my SOP.
Recommendation Letters: I have only one confirmed letter at this time but am certain that I will get several excellent letters to accompany it. The letter I have now is from a current professor with a BS from Rutgers and a Ph.D. from Univ. of Maryland. He has also worked at Carnegie Mellon and the Naval Research Labs and Bell Labs. The other letters I expect are from a professor with an extensive background in AI who is well connected in the field and possibly one from CBS.
What are your thoughts? Also, what are your thoughts about the ability of a fantastic SOP to help this application?