Hi Everyone!
This is my first time posting anything in the forum, and my first time applying to grad schools in the U.S. Has anyone heard anything from any universities? I still haven't heard a thing. Here's my info for this forum. Appreciate any input! From the looks of things this forum seems a little quiet. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
Wishing everyone luck!
Master's Institution: Tel Aviv University
Major(s): Geophysics and Planetary Science
Overall GPA: 95%
Position in Class: Summa Cum Laude
Undergrad Institution: University of California Santa Cruz
Major(s): Earth and Planetary Science - Planetary Concentration
Overall GPA: 3.61
Position in Class: Honors in the Major
Research Experience: Parameter studies modeling the thermal evolution of water rich, rocky objects. Mixing equations of states of ices and silicates.
Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Summa Cum Laude - TAU, Academic Excellence award - TAU, Honors in the Major - UCSC
Applying to Where:
University of Georgia - Geology PhD - Tying observed tectonic features with thermal evolution models of terrestrial planets
Georgia Tech - Earth and Atmospheric Sciences PhD - Glacier impacted surface features and tectonics, remote sensing observations of terrestrial objects.
University of California Los Angeles - Geophysics and Space Science PhD - Mineralogy EOS and internal dynamics of terrestrial objects, remote sensing and in situ observations of terrestrial object surfaces, surface processes and internal processes of terrestrial and icy planetary bodies.