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Posts posted by Natasha7

  1. 9 hours ago, mxnz1 said:

    Thank you! I had a 90+ average in the last 2 years. 1 year in a public health research lab, some advocacy experience, some experience working with marginalized populations. I also really emphasized how UofT's program aligns with my career goals in my personal statement!

    That’s amazing!!! What other schools did you apply to? 

  2. 7 minutes ago, SunnyMPH said:

    I also got the same email.

    Also I got rejected from UofT but I kind of expected it. Given the number of applicants this year at other programs, UofT must be ridiculous. And how do you compete when many people applying already have PhDs and like a decade or more of experience. 

    Sorry to hear! Did you apply to health promotion or epi at UofT? What stats and experiences did you apply with if you don’t mind sharing?

  3. 36 minutes ago, tiredofthewaitingame said:

    So who else here is just waiting on their UofT rejection so they can go ahead and make other plans? lol I'm usually an optimist but this waiting + pandemic has really killed my spirit. 

    Which stream did you apply to?

  4. 44 minutes ago, rjmph said:

    does anyone know if U of T epidemiology will let us know if we're on the waitlist? or will it continue to say "Under Review" until we receive an acceptance or rejection?

    I think the latter! Also, what experiences and stats did you apply with?

  5. 47 minutes ago, mphapplicant1998 said:

    Received an offer from Guelph, Queen’s and Alberta Epi all within the past week! Guelph last Friday, then Queen’s and Alberta earlier today

    congrats!!! what stats and experiences did you apply to?

  6. 25 minutes ago, crustbox3000 said:

    I did my undergrad at Guelph and got a BAS in biology and psychology. I did a science communication research project after graduation with one of my old profs. I'm currently a content review and science communication manager for a youth-led public health organization on Instagram and I've been doing that since last June. No journal pubs or anything like that

    My cumulative GPA suffered big time from my crappy first year ? Definitely you can see the uphill climb in my transcript lol but finished off pretty strong in my last two years. At least, I thought it was strong until I read everyone else's stats! I applied to Guelph (MSc Population Health) and Western MPH. I'm throwing in another application to UOIT (MPH) since I just learned their deadline is extended to May 1st. My first choice is definitely Guelph though, because the professor I was speaking to was really excited to work with me! Hoping that pulls me through lmao

    I didn’t even know UOIT had an MPH program! Good luck!!!

  7. 1 minute ago, bbj said:

    my last two years is 3.5, so a lot lower than everyone on here ... I had no idea these programs were this crazy competitive and don't think I have a  shot anymore TBH. What are yours? 

    Also, what schools and programs did you apply to? I wouldn’t lose hope yet!

  8. Just now, bbj said:

    my last two years is 3.5, so a lot lower than everyone on here ... I had no idea these programs were this crazy competitive and don't think I have a  shot anymore TBH. What are yours? 

    is your cGPA better? My last two years are 3.74!

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