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Everything posted by lele

  1. I'm wondering how you all feel about the cost of MGH compared to the other Boston schools. I've been trying to calculate total cost of attendance at MGH, Emerson, and BU. I haven't calculated for BU, but I've started to do it for Emerson and MGH. For Emerson, I got 56,646 over two years (1,049 $/credit x 54 required credits), and for MGH, I got 71,070 over two years (1030 $/credit x 69 required credits). This doesn't include fees, cost of books, or living expenses, but dang! That's a pretty big difference. And I'm kind of afraid to do it for BU because I know it will be even higher! I'm definitely leaning towards MGH right now, but now that I'm thinking about how much I'm going to have to take out in loans, Emerson is looking pretty good! How are you all feeling about cost right now?
  2. Another possible con is that it takes an extra summer to complete their program, but I don't really mind taking the extra classes...when I went to an info session for MGH, they said that SLP's in schools have been able to negotiate a masters + 15 credits, so the extra classes could end up getting you a better starting salary.
  3. I just got a call too, from Leslie Mawxell. I was too nervous to ask about aid, but I'm glad you did! It stinks that we didn't get scholarships, but I'm happy to be accepted
  4. I got in to MGH too! A little bit disappointed about not getting any aid, but since I'm out of field, going to a private school like MGH or Emerson makes more sense because I can graduate in two years rather than three. Higher cost but I get to start working sooner.
  5. I love your positive attitude!! You're totally right, though, I should get the sleep! (and knowing my luck the decision probably won't be up at midnight anyway)
  6. omg. I saw the email from MGH, and my heart went up into my throat! Should I stay up until midnight and see what the decision is? Or get much needed sleep?
  7. I know others have mentioned MGH on here...I'm so ready to hear from them!! Hopefully we'll be getting some news within the next week.
  8. From what I've read on schools' websites and from what I've heard from other students, it seems like many schools use GPA and GRE to determine merit scholarships. Which one do you think is waited more? Do receivers of merit scholarships need to have both high GPA and GRE or is it one or the other?
  9. I got all of my materials to them by the 15th of Jan (including reccs, etc.), but I submitted by CSDCAS by the 15th of December to make sure that csdcas had time to process the app before the Jan 15th deadline.
  10. I just got a call from Emerson, and I've been accepted! I'm sure you guys will be hearing soon! Good luck to everyone.
  11. Did anyone else apply to Temple? I saw that some people got acceptances today. I logged onto my account just now and saw that my status is "Incomplete Items Outstanding." I sent in all of my documents to them, double checked with my professors to make sure they sent their reccs, and right after I submitted my app, I received a confirmation email from Temple saying that my app was turned in. I'm not sure what could be missing :/ and it's frustrating at this point because I worked so hard to get it right.
  12. It seems like people were accepted to Emerson already by this time last year. On the results page, I see that ppl got acceptances as early as the 14th of Feb. I'm hoping the results come out this week because this waiting is driving me crazy!
  13. I had mine today, and like others said, it was super relaxed. Everyone was so nice! Did anyone ask when BU is going to send out the final decisions? I forgot to ask about that!
  14. Good luck to everyone interviewing tomorrow!! let us know how it goes My interview is over the weekend, and I'm a bit worried it will be cancelled because of the impending snow storm. I'm going to email Brie tomorrow to confirm.
  15. To those who have been discussing salary: why do you think SLP's and audiologists are paid less than other fields that perform similar services and/or are in a related health care field? I am actually very surprised to hear that audiologists make no more than SLP's on average considering how much school they go through
  16. I just got an email from BU too! Has anyone talked to last year's applicants about the interviews? I can imagine what they will be like, but I'd love to know more specifics!
  17. Thank you! this is very helpful.
  18. Sorry to change the topic a little. Does anyone know of sources that would give potential ideas for the side projects that ETA's conduct? Does the application committee prefer if it is community service oriented?
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