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Everything posted by nervousbutwaiting

  1. Just heard back from York, I am waitlisted (I didn't even realize they did that!) I got an email with the letter attached saying there were over 480 applications and that the wait list will be open until August. I can't take that much uncertainty, so I will be asking to be removed from the waitlist and pursuing my MSW with U of T. Thank you to everyone for their support and positivity throughout this process!
  2. Thank you for your positive energy, it's very much appreciated ? And congratulations on your acceptance! The program is super competitive and I'm very proud of you, even if I haven't met you! I applied to York and U of T and was accepted to U of T! I've gone back and forth so many times about which would be my preferred school, but knowing I am in at U of T has for sure eased my NervousbutWaiting vibes slightly ? @MMSW Congratulations on your acceptance to Carleton! I know waiting on York is a bit rough, but I'm very glad we both have plans nonetheless ?
  3. Haven't heard anything yet, so I'm taking it as a bad sign ? This forum seems to be pretty quiet about York so I wonder if not that many people on here applied?
  4. Congratulations!! I'm waiting for York's decision and have been accepted to U of T's 2 year MSW also! Are you gonna take the U of T offer or the York one?
  5. Hi everyone! I got into u of t's 2 year msw program! My last name is L and I am a domestic student. I got the email at 9am!
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