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Prachi G

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  • Application Season
    2021 Fall
  • Program
    Interaction Design (UX)

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. @smitha Yeah sure, ping me there please. https://www.linkedin.com/in/prachi-g-03044645/
  2. Thanks for replying @smitha, Congrats! Yes Parsons would definitely be a great choice over Pratt from my understanding and research. Agreed, SVA is really expensive. CCA's 1 year duration is what's attracting me towards it. Could you tell me what your research gathered about SVA? Haven't been able to get much info from alumni yet. I basically have a background in business + fashion design and I have less than 1 year of work experience in UX. So I will need more projects/ internships to improve my employability on graduation. Thankyou
  3. Hi, I am curious to know if you picked SVA or IIT? I recently got accepted into SVA as well for Fall 2021 Interaction Design program and I am wondering if I should opt for it. Would love to know your thoughts regardless you opted in or out of SVA. Thanks.
  4. Hi guys, Curious to know if @Livturp opted for CCA or Pratt? and if @smitha got accepted and has enrolled for any between SVA and CCA? I recently got accepted into SVA and CCA's IxD program for Fall 2021 and am having a hard time figuring out which one to enroll for. Would love to know your thoughts on what factors helped you guide towards or against either of these programs. Thank you in advance.
  5. Hi guys,I want your feedback as I am confused between the options. Now I have got the following admissions, and all are STEM programs: SVA - Interaction Design (IXD) - 2 yearsCalifornia College of Arts - Interaction Design (IXD) - 1 year I am already based out of NYC so financially SVA and CCA are costing about the same for both. ------------------------------------------------------------------------My goal is to become a UX / Interaction Designer because I enjoy the process of strategizing and deep-diving into research before designing. I am transitioning from a background in fashion (design) + business to UX and have less than 1 year of UX work experience. Personally prefer the 1 year timeline of CCA and community driven close knit cohort however I am not sure if it may rush too much for me to get a foundation in the field. Also their lack of internships could hinder my job search after the program as I don't have enough UX work experience. Does anyone have any insights on choosing between these two programs to get to my goal as a UX/IXD designer? Thank you guys for your patience! Please don't hesitate to enlighten me if you have any ideas and suggestions!
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