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Everything posted by ssethi25

  1. Is anyone else having trouble accessing extranet?
  2. I got confirmation the next business day...
  3. I just found out I was waitlisted for OGS but got PGSD - shows how truly subjective these awards are.
  4. Asking for a friend - if they have two years left in the program, are they able to apply for PGSD this upcoming fall for funding in their final year?
  5. I got PGSD - committee 194 and last name begins with S!
  6. Still waiting for my decision - committee 194 and last name S
  7. I don't think you're doing anything wrong. I feel like there's a component of luck involved in these scholarships so it's important to remember that you're not deserving or not qualified just because you weren't successful. This method of thinking has definitely helped me to keep sane in such a competitive environment.
  8. Interesting to see the different approaches the schools take on sharing the results. It definitely is frustrating and doesn't help with the anxiety.
  9. A student in my lab was taken off the waitlist the January after the results came out so people definitely have a considerate amount of time to accept/reject
  10. Awesome, thanks!
  11. In my application, there's only a research subject code and proposed field of study/research. My research subject code is 1900 and my proposed field of study is biomedical engineering. I'm assuming I'm in committee 194, which involves biomedical engineering, unless my application was moved to a different committee. Is your committee number directly stated on your application?
  12. How did you find out your committee? Is it listed anywhere on the application or just the results document?
  13. My project didn't have an EDI component but I used the space to justify why it didn't. Our school really recommended that you justified it as clearly as possible if you didn't have one.
  14. I did! I had two publications (one as a second author and one as a third author), and had my one as a first-author submitted. I didn't think I would get it since I didn't get any major scholarships beforehand and from people at my school who have gotten it had either a CGS-M or OGS before getting PGSD/CGSD
  15. According to my department's grad chair, it's the centralized graduate studies office that gets the list from NSERC and it was them who notified me about my successful application. If the individual departments want to know who got the awards, they would have to contact the centralized graduate office. This is for my school at least.
  16. I was recently notified by my school that my application was successful. No word about rank or anything else though.
  17. Last name begins with S and just got my e-mail
  18. I still haven’t gotten mine either. I think it’s two working days so I guess wait till end of Monday to email.
  19. Still waiting for the e-mails with the log-in information - last name begins with S. Considering it's the end of the work day, I will likely get my info Monday and results middle of next week it seems. Fingers crossed!
  20. Just got it! Clearly I'm more anxious and wired up about the results than I thought haha
  21. I haven't received the e-mail about extranet. Anyone else?
  22. CIHR doctoral winners at my institution were informed today so not sure why PGSD is taking so long...
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