I guess I didn't? I checked in with the uni about this in January, asking 'does this mean I didn't get it? They told me: "No, the submission status means it has been sent for evaluation. The evaluation is still in the hands of the Office of the Vice-Provost and the agencies. We should know the names of the winners by April 2021." I guess at this point it does mean I didn't get it. Thanks all!
I'm at uottawa and my pgsd submission status is still "Submitted".. Should it have changed to "Approved" if it was sent from uottawa reviewers to NSERC? Or do y'all still see "Submitted" as well? This is where I'm looking btw nserc-crsng.gc.ca/OnlineServices-ServicesEnLigne
Yes, online research portal! https://portal-portail.nserc-crsng.gc.ca/ There is a notice on the main page that it will be periodically unavailable until 12pm EST for maintenance , so makes sense that that error is there!
hey all, so nice to not be alone in this crazy waiting game!!
this is my first time applying, just checked that my research portal doesn't show my application in it at all (even tho I've confirmed that its submitted in the NSERC online system login system).. just wondering if this is this normal?