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  1. Received email from NSERC an hour ago about logging into extranet, but just been able to log in now because the site was down ("oops, unknown technical issue has happened" - of course, it's nserc). Best luck to all of you who are still waiting! Totally know the feeling when you just want to know the result and get over with it! I'm in committee 168, last name C. There were many speculations last year about the orders of results get released, but honestly I don't think any of that turned out to be 100% true. It may as well be a single person sending emails on whatever order they like - after all it's nserc.
  2. mentioned this in my earlier post but it starts with C
  3. nope. I had to keep refreshing the extranet account
  4. I'm in 168 geosciences and my result was up on the extranet
  5. A somewhat trivial question, but the six-digit application number shown in my result letter was different from what was in my application form. Should I be concerned about this and follow up with the nserc office to double check? i.e. the six-digit NSERC pin I got when submitting the application was 575***. This same number is shown in my personal folder's name on extranet. But the number shown in my result letter was 560***. Is that the case for other people as well? maybe they used a different numbering system when sending out the results?
  6. I'm in 168 and just got my result one hour ago. Last name C. I didn't get it but at least done with the refreshing.
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