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Everything posted by MashaBari

  1. I would contact your first choice school and just ask for clarification, but they emphasized "ALL" and "even it it involves only 1 course" then my assumption is you should send them transcripts of every institution you've attended.
  2. Hi everyone, so I'll cut right to the chase. My end goal is to get a PhD in Electrical Engineering. I'd like to get a PhD because I'd like to do a combination of working as an engineer but also doing research and possibly teaching. These are my grades/situation. I only included the best grades I had in each relevant class. Clarkson University: attended for 3 years. Switched my major a bunch of times and overall did not do well there due to some personal issues. Did not graduate and transferred to a community college. However, I did have an A in Calc 2 here. But, I had a C in Bio 1 and an A in Bio 1 Lab. Onondaga Community College: Got my associates in Math and Science. Had a 2.8 GPA. I had an A in Calc 1, and B's in Calc 3 and Differential Equations. I also had a B in Gen Chem 1, B in Gen Chem 2, but a C in Bio 2 and Physics 1. SUNY Oswego: Got a bachelor's in Math. Did pretty terribly. Had a C in discrete math, C+ in matrix algebra, D+ in Intro to Algebra, and a D in Foundations of Calc. I did have an A in statistics and a B+ in cryptology. I promise I'm not stupid and that's why I had bad grades. I just recently found out I had ADHD which explained my combination of good and terrible grades. I'm a lot more organized and on top of things now. SUNY Plattsburgh: Currently getting a master's in mental health counseling (realized I like it, but I liked STEM a lot more). I'm much more responsible now and have a 3.92 GPA. My lowest grade has been an A-. However, since this isn't a STEM program does this matter? I also plan on hopefully publishing a research paper this year. GRE Scores: Had a 155 in Quantitative, 150 in Verbal, and a 4 for the essay. This was with zero studying or preparation though and I'm planning on retaking it in December and actually preparing for it. I'm very confident I can raise my scores up to a 160 in Quantitive and a 155 in Verbal. I'm also starting a post baccalaureate program in Computer Science this summer that I think I will do very well in. My undergrad capstone was using Python and I had to teach it to myself and I really enjoyed it. This summer I'm also going to be retaking Matrix Algebra and Discrete Math (through the comp sci program). I'm also planning on retaking Abstract Algebra in the Fall and Foundations of Calculus in the Spring. The reason for doing the comp sci post baccalaureate program is that it'll give me a B.S. in Computer Science and comp sci is important for electrical engineering. My question is this: If I get at least a B+ in the math classes when I retake them (I'm fairly confident I can do well in them and get at least a B+, if not an A), do really well in the Computer Science Program, and increase my GRE scores to what I listed above do I have a chance at getting into a PhD program? Do you have any other suggestions for what I can do to improve my chances? Ideally I'd like to go to a decent program, but I can understand if that's not the case with my situation. I'll take any suggestions/advice. Thanks everyone.
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