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Everything posted by TangentTam

  1. I got the offer today! It was in my trash box. You can check your application status on the website! Good luck to you!!!
  2. Thanks for the info! My interview date is on 4th March so I guessed the offers are sent based on the tracks. But it should be sent this week? No idea....
  3. I guess the date is for all? But I am not sure since this info is from my interview invitation. They said the first bunch of offers will be sent this week and they are rolling admitting
  4. immunology, and u? I noticed there were some admission at Vilcek on 25th Feb but I didn’t know what track
  5. Anyone heard back from Vilcek NYU? Any news? I think the offers will be sent this week
  6. My interview is on 4th March at Immunology track so I guess it is not so fast for them to make the decision? It seems that Vicek holds interview seperately. Could I ask what is your interested track?
  7. Congrats on your acceptance to Harvard! I also apply for immuno programs this circle but didn't go very well...Thanks for your valuable info! You are terrific!!
  8. Hi~Congrats on those who have been accepted by Sinai! Is there anyone waitlist by immuno MTA like me at this point? I am just wondering the chances of removing off the waitlist finally… Do you know any successful cases?????
  9. I was on the waitlist and I am wondering if I can do anything at this point. Congrats on your acceptance! Would you mind tell me what is your MTA? Mine is immuno
  10. Oh, that hurts. I don't know your track at Weill Cornell but I was rejected by IMP after two rounds of interview. So...actually they didn't put all the candidates on the waitlist. At least there is still hope on the waitlist.
  11. The coordinator said final decisions will be made by March on the presentation session.
  12. Hi~ What is your track? I also interviewed with Sinai two weeks ago and contacted with one of the interviewer this week to ask about the results but she didn't reply to me. (I guess they are still discussing with the list? ) I choose immunology MTA at Sinai.
  13. OMG.....That really kills me.... Could I know if you are an international student? I guess I got silent rejection cause no one tried to reach out to me. Thanks for your update. Congratulations on your acceptance!!!
  14. Thanks! Well, then I guess IMP must have determined the list as well but just haven’t sent the offers. Good luck to you!??
  15. Hi~ I had my interview day on 27th Jan at IMP Weill Cornell but I haven’t received anything yet. Could I know what is that”accidental email” for? And how do you know there would be 59 positions? I tried to ask the faculty during the interview but didn’t get anything… Thanks! BTW, has anyone heard from IMP?
  16. Wish you an exciting journey in the industry! Competition is REALLY difficult for international students but I repect your courage of your own conviction(stubborn to pursue what I am doing now). Good luck to you!
  17. Conngrats on your next round! I haven't found anything about the interviewers on the Canvas site. So, could we choose the interested faculty in this round like picking up some names on the list? Or we are still arranged by the committee....
  18. It is ok, it is really really competitive this year. I don't know what institutions you have applied but I think no news is not equal to bad news. Some institutions will release the invites at the early of Jan so you still get a chance! Also, I know the PhD program in Toronto is still open, you can go there to find sth out and maybe you will get some interested faculty. You still have time! And don't loose hope. My target track is immuno and I was rej by tons of my favourite programs at the middle of Dec including Yale and WUSTL. I was devastated at that time but my professor told me, life is diversity and includes millions of possibilities. His words cheered me up. Hope that will help you, too! Happy new year!
  19. Thanks! It is so nice of you to share with this hopeful news from WashU! My target track is immuno and I have seen an applicant posted the interview invitation three days ago so I guess....... I think the invitations are sent at one time from the same track. But your reply really gives me some hope. Best luck with your app and merry christmas!
  20. I also want to know the update!!! I REALLY like WashU. I saw a post of interview on the result page three days ago but I haven't seen more posts and debates. BTW, I am an international student. I once contacted a POI there and he said the review process began on the second week of December. I don't know if they have sent all the invitations and I got a silent rej. The app page stated that the virtual interview is on 12/13 Jan. If you have heard anything, plz let me know! Thanks!
  21. Too many apps but limited resources. But keep fighting! I think we both will get more invitations soon!
  22. Also haven't got anything from Pitts! It seems that they did a rolling review...I tried to contact a POI in neurobiology program there and she said they were already at winter break so she could only helped me find sth out at the beginning of new year. I hope that they send the invitations in batches caz I have received tons of rej at this point....
  23. I got the interview from Vilcek this morining, the interview date is on 28th Feb and 1st Mar. I am an international student. My target track is immunology. Maybe different tracks release the interview invitations at different times. Any news from Rockefeller? I saw some posts in the result page...It seems that Yale immunology program also released all the interview invitations already...(really sad, it seems very competitive this year....)
  24. Good luck to both of us!
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