Hello! I'm senior undergrad student in Asia. I will start Master program in my university, and then I will apply for Ph.d program in USA (maybe in 2024 fall).
But I want to check my profile whether I took sufficient math courses and I want to get advise about school suggestion.
Undergrad Institution: QS 80~90 Asian University GPA: 3.98/4.00 (total, 4.44/4.5), 4.00/4.00 (major 4.48/4.5)
Type of Student: International
GRE General Test:
Q: 154 V: 168 W: 4 TOEFL: 28/26/23/26 (Total 105)
Programs Applying: Statistics Ph.d
Research Experience: 1 year of Research Assistant in computational neuroscience lab whose research topic is to make predictive models from fMRI image data using ML/Deep Learning techniques (such as LASSO or LOOCV). I helped statistical analysis in this lab, but I didn't make publications. I learned and did mediation analysis, ML techniques, dimensionality reduction techniques, and some Matlab and Python skills.
Pertinent Activities or Jobs: 1 .5 year academic club in psychology department. I did research in this club and I was exposed and fascinated a lot of statistical methods from this club. Then, I decided to major statistics and mathematics.
LOR: not dediced yet, maybe get stat professors in my university. I did good result(e.g rank 1 or 2) these professors' classes
Math/Statistics Grades:
Math courses:
Calculus 1, 2 (A+/A+)
Linear Algebra (A+, computation-based)
Set Theory (A+)
Analysis 1, 2 (A+/A+)
Advanced Linear Algebra (A+, proof-based)
Differential Equations (A)
Partial Differential Equations (A+)
Topology 1 (A+, Point-set topology)
Topology 2 (A+, Algebraic Topology)
Numerical Analysis (A+)
Numerical ODEs (A+)
Combinatorics (A+)
Probability Theory(A+, undergrad, measure-based)
Real Analysis (A+, Grad Lebesque Measure Theory + Some additional Functional Analysis topics)
=> Total 16 courses, 4.00/4.00
Statistics courses:
Intro to Statistics (A+)
Mathematical Statistics 1, 2 (A+/A+)
Regression analysis (A+)
Statistical Programming (A+, using R)
Time Series Analysis (A+)
Statistical Simulation (A+)
Categorical Analysis (A+)
Experimental Design (A+)
Multivariate Statistical Analysis (A+)
Stochastic Process (A+)
Machine Learning (A+)
Bayesian Analysis (A+)
Nonparametric Statistical Analysis (A+)
Advanced Mathematical Statistics (A+, Grad level Casella & Berger)
Advanced Regression Analysis (A+, Grad level)
=> Total 15 courses, 4.00/4.00
1. did I take sufficient math courses? compared to other international students.
Even though I majored mathematics, I did not take abstract algebra, number theory, or differential geometry because these things are quiet irrelevant with statistics. So I avoid these things. is my math coursework okay in terms of the number of courses and quality (e.g. proof-based, difficulty)?
2. which school can I target?
Maybe I will publish two papers during master program. Considering my coursework, GRE, TOEFL, where can I target schools? I'm looking for NCSU, Penn state, Iowa state etc...but my school has no students who get admission there. But my profile is pretty good in my university.
Help me! @Stat Assistant Professor and @bayessays!