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Everything posted by HatFinisher

  1. Anybody want to claim the Rutgers acceptance from the results page?
  2. Apparently their deadline for offer acceptance is 4/15, so they said waitlist movement often doesn’t occur until the week of and even a few days after that deadline. (Which would be more irritating if I had other offers to consider but since I don’t, I could care less when they call me so long as they do eventually ??)
  3. Received rejection from CU-Boulder today, it’s looking like it will be getting off the waitlist at Rutgers or bust for me this year, which if it works out will be great since that was my dream program… *crosses fingers full of existential dread*
  4. Congratulations! I grew up in the Chicago suburbs and my uncle used to live in Evanston so I can absolutely assure you that you’re going to love it!!! Feel free to reach out if you want any recommendations on places to eat/stuff to do and hopefully we’ll all see each other at NCA or elsewhere
  5. I only applied to the media studies track of the Media Research and Practice program, but I’ve heard nothing from them. From browsing past years’ threads and results though, it seems that dead air for months and months followed by an acceptance or rejection out of nowhere in late March or April is pretty common for them. Wish I had a stronger POI relationship there so I could be put out of my misery ? for now though I’m checking the portal every three hours like a crazy person.
  6. Seems like the season is winding down! Has anyone made their decisions yet and accepted an offer somewhere?
  7. Has anyone rejected or plans to reject an offer from Rutgers? Waitlisted and anxious lol.
  8. Has anyone heard anything from Media Research and Practice at CU-Boulder? (The concentrations are media studies, strat com, and info studies). I know someone got accepted to their comm program yesterday from the results page but was just wondering if any applicants from these concentrations (or the EMP program) had any updates.
  9. You are absolutely killing it this cycle!! Congrats!!!!
  10. Congratulations! Thank you so much for making this year’s thread and being so supportive of everyone!
  11. I have a media studies POI and I received the waitlist notification around 3pm.
  12. Nope, I'm fairly certain the graduate programs don't actually use the portal in the same way as they do for undergraduate applicants so its entirely possible they complete reviews and make their decisions without the portal showing any updates.
  13. Yeah, I got the first paragraph in my email just not the second; you must be pretty high on the list, congrats!!
  14. There was nothing about that in the email which makes me think I am probably lower on the list
  15. Waitlisted at Rutgers!!! Very excited but crossing my fingers.
  16. Does anyone want to claim the UW-Madison Comm Arts acceptance from the results page?
  17. Received first rejection today from UMN; sad but unsurprised as I had a very weak relationship with my POI and felt my SOP was somewhat half-hearted. Anyone with more happy news from today?
  18. Has anyone who applied to UW-Madison Communication Arts in the RPC concentration heard about an interview? I see them for other concentrations on the results page but none so far for RPC…I know it receives fewer applicants than the others overall so just curious (and nervous obviously haha!)
  19. For CU Boulder I know the media studies application period just ended, though I know the emerging media app closed a while before. Not counting on hearing from them anytime soon.
  20. Welcome Thayane! I am applying to: Rutgers (Media Studies), University of Minnesota (Communication Studies), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (Communication), University of Colorado-Boulder (Media Studies), Bowling Green State University (Media and Communication), University of New Mexico (Communication), and University of Wisconsin-Madison (Communication) My work involves critical discourse analysis and ethnographic research into reactionary extremist groups online, so it seems our interests are somewhat related!
  21. Hi everybody! State school M.A student here stressing about POI's, publications, and everything else that goes into this incredibly stressful process of application season! Looking at 6-7 different programs, either in media studies or critical/cultural studies (such a weird dichotomy between media studies and comm programs at so many institutions in spite of no real epistemic/ontological difference between media studies and much of comm theory/methodology) Anxious but enthusiastic and glad to be here showing solidarity with you all!
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