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Posts posted by balderdash

  1. Who here is a theorist, comparativist, IR, etc? It's very difficult to gauge what some of you are pursuing...

    CP, it's the way forward.

    Not sure exactly about the negative feedback. I'm guessing someone's sense of humor has taken a beating during this process, which I must say is pretty easy to understand!

    Yeah, doing my best to correct this when I see a negative on your posts for no apparent reason.

  2. I posted this before, but I didn't get any replies so I'll ask again just in case someone who's now active on the forum knows. The results from last year show Columbia notifying several people on January 29, and then a few more on February 18 (then the rest, I suppose mostly waitlists, in late March). Does anyone remember from last year what the deal was with that?

    You might be able to find a more concrete answer by re-reading last year's results thread, but my recollection of those Columbia posts was that the early ones were trolls. Not sure though.

    Yes, I think that's actually what tergellian's question is based on. Sorry, T, I can't remember it. I honestly was going to respond with "oh, well it's acceptances first, then rejections," but then I looked and saw the staggered acceptances.

    I think it might be a system wherein they try to nab their top acceptances, and if those people come back with "sorry, I'm going to Harvard," then they adjust the number of 2nd-round acceptances. I honestly don't know though.

  3. Too many kind posts to quote, but thank you for all of the well-wishes. I am glad to see that others have benefitted from my experience, just as my application was helped by reading others' advice last year.

    As for my specialty: I'm a comparativist, too.

    And yes, welcome to all of the lurkers who are now joining.

  4. Then kudos to you as well sir (ma'am?). I hope you get into your first choice, provided it is not Madison.

    As for the African Cup, maybe balderdash is not interested this year because of the absence of Egypt and Nigeria?

    If you are africanist, must be concerned about the Africa Cup of Nations. We play soccer outside the US =)

    Haha no I'm following it (I can't believe about Nigeria), but I'm a Boston guy first and foremost. We need to avenge the 2007 season.

  5. Congrats to everyone but especially RWBG and balderdash for the Madison acceptance. It might sound strange, but seeing how these guys finally got their deserved acceptance in their second cycle gives me a kind of peace and pleasure as a second timer myself. Hearty congrats

    Thank you, I also appreciate it.

    Now if the Patriots can win the Super Bowl, it'll be a really good couple of weeks...

  6. Les Amours Imaginaires, or Heartbeats in English. A brilliant, perhaps unwittingly so, critique of hipsterhood featuring the luscious Xavier Dolan and one of the best soundtracks ever.

    Watched it last night. The cinematography was good, and the understated tone worked well for what they were trying to accomplish. That said, I didn't like any of the characters (until pretty much the last scene), so I found it hard to really get involved with the storyline.

    I should also like to recommend Four Lions. Absolutely hilarious. And I might be wrong but I think it is available online with Netflix.

  7. Balderdash, if we both end up at Princeton/Stanford/Berk/ or Yale...Can we be friends? This is a request based soley on the fact you used the term "amaze balls". Because that's friggen awesome.

    The "if" doesn't look likely. But if we do, call it a deal.

    That is, if I don't have a heart attack by August.

  8. It's good. I'm having a great time - the rest of my cohort is great, as are the professors and administrators.

    How is your cycle shaping up? Stanford should be soon, right?

    Glad to hear it has worked out. If I recall, the only worry with Harvard was that the cohort would be a bunch of not-so-nice people, so I'm happy that isn't the case.

    Cycle is much better this year, I'm certainly better prepared. The stress has been better, too - the benefits of experience, eh?

  9. The problem is that I couldn't make it to my POI's conference, even though I wanted to go.

    Ah, sucks. I think I would've skipped presenting my own paper to be there, haha. But if you've got a conflict, you've got a conflict.

    As for me, I just get asked about 20 times per day if I've got any acceptances yet.

  10. Ugh, this is annoying. It says that my My UW account has already been activated (maybe I activated it a while ago and forgot), but I don't recall my username or password. What a pain.

    Happened to me too. I called to have it all reset and the helpdesk person spoke to me like I was a moron, but the long and short of it is that your NetID should have been emailed to you, while your username will be the first initial of your first name then your last name (ie, Barack Obama = "bobama") and the password should be the same as you used on the application form.

  11. Also, two people I've been in contact with regarding my applications have been to conferences here in Israel (one of my POIs, plus a former grad student at my dream school who does exactly what I'm interested in).

    Provided you're able to make small talk, that's wonderful. Given a choice between an interesting, qualified candidate the POI doesn't know to be amicable and an interesting, qualified candidate the POI knows to be friendly, s/he will choose the second: you.

  12. So re: UW-Madison's email about filling out the FAFSA, the grad coordinator just told me that it's not necessary for departmental funding. She indicated that their grants and such were independent of the form, which makes sense. However, she said, stipends go as low as $11,000/year ( ! ), and that if we want supplemental aid, we should fill out the form and ask the government for it. As for the email, she said it was standard, implying that every student or applicant in the entire Madison system gets it. Finally, when I asked when it was due by, she said, "Oh, you have lots of time to do it." I think that indicates my March-ish hunch is accurate.

  13. Ultimately, I think that getting a near perfect score on the GREQ may not imply an aptitude for quantitative/formal work, but it's a harder sell to suggest that someone getting <700 is going to be able to do formal theory, or use statistical modeling in a sophisticated fashion (i.e. a high GRE is necessary but not sufficient.) Small differences (e.g. between 700 and 730) may not tell you anything useful, but the large differences do, and because the old GREQ was pretty easy (800 was still only 94th percentile), most people with a serious inclination/aptitude for math seem to be able to pull off at least a 760 (maybe after a little time spent relearning triangles), even allowing for the timed conditions/environment.

    Quite. I got an 800Q, but I'd be hopeless with any kind of statistical or formal-theoretical work (I do historical-sociological instead). Anyway, apologies for starting an immense blathering war.

  14. I thought it was Jan 18?

    I don't know, I always thought it was much later... but I can't find anything on the website to back it up. You'd think it'd be mentioned here, but there's nothing on it.

    I didn't get the UW Madison email--what gives? When was it sent?

    I got it at 3:00 Wisconsin time on Friday. If I remember correctly, I think there was a box to tick at some stage of the application. It's all a bit murky.

  15. So someone has clearly read my application already... what does this mean??

    Absolutely nothing beyond the fact that they've added a note ("sub: LatAm") to the file.

    Also, UW-Madison just sent an email about filling out the FAFSA. Isn't the deadline like March 1? I don't know about you guys, but I'd rather not take the time to fill it out until I know I need to...

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