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Posts posted by futurechaplain78

  1. Hi there! Fellow div school applicant applying to similar schools right now and thought I'd chime in (though of course, my thoughts come from a place of a lot less experience with the div school admissions world).

    My understanding is that it actually might work in your favor that you have an academic background in a humanities subject other than religious studies, and that these schools are mainly interested in an academic preparedness for theological study, not in the specific knowledge you already have about religion.

    I was actually in attendance at that same admissions event and remember that comment well. I interpreted the remark about not just "telling a sob story about your trauma" to be more of a warning not to make your application into something it's not, in other words not to make it about religious trauma if that's not wholly authentic to you. It sounds like not describing the effects of this background on your choices and interests might be inauthentic (but of course, that's your story to share!). I'm a believer in the idea that the right school for you will celebrate the genuine you you share in your applications, so I would have confidence in the way you have presented yourself and your interests.

    Peace to you as you finish up your applications and begin the waiting game!

  2. Hi there! I'm in the beginning stages of applying to MDiv programs for fall 2022. I'm currently interested in college chaplaincy work, as well as writing and nonprofit work. I'm from a liberal PC(USA) tradition but would also prefer more ecumenical or even interfaith settings. I'm particularly interested in areas like practical theology, spirituality, and social justice as it applies to faith and religion.

    My undergrad degree is in a completely different field, but I do have reasonably extensive undergrad research/publication experience in history, a good deal of undergrad coursework in religious studies, and personal experience on the ministry side of things and in public education.

    Right now I'm looking at Boston University, Princeton Theological Seminary, Vanderbilt, Wake Forest, Yale, and possibly Chicago, Duke, and Emory. Thoughts on these schools (good fit for me, funding chances, etc.)? Thanks in advance!

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