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    fallingballoons reacted to Irfan Nooruddin in How much will a bad CC experience hurt my PhD chances?   
    Yeah, no.

    I've served on admissions committees at Michigan, Ohio State, and now Georgetown. I can unequivocally tell everyone here that this inference lacks truthiness.

    As to the OP: Impossible to know, of course, but IME admissions committees weigh more recent academic performance more highly than earlier years, and a clear break is actually to your advantage because it indicates that something fundamentally changed between your AA degree and the BA completion. Either way, no point worrying about what you can't change.

    Best of luck.
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    fallingballoons reacted to LatinAmericanFootball in 2021-2022 Application Thread   
    Also in at Princeton!! Thrilled and shocked - I did NOT think my fit there was great, but they must know better than me. My decision just got much harder...
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    fallingballoons reacted to LatinAmericanFootball in 2021-2022 Application Thread   
    I wholeheartedly agree, since these forums helped me so much when I first decided I wanted to apply. It's only fair to give back to the community and future applicants.
    I think the Discord server can be useful for quick questions, off-topic conversations (so that we can talk to people who are going through the same things without flooding this thread), and discussing stuff you wouldn't be comfortable saying in a completely public forum. But we should make sure it is complementary and not substitute to the forum!
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