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Photo Light

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Everything posted by Photo Light

  1. Yep, but I didnt get a response ?
  2. No, I haven't heard anything! Have you?
  3. I believe it is for the PhD track.
  4. Congratulations!
  5. I have the same question but for NYU Epi!
  6. Thanks! Yeah, I applied Dec 1 and heard back 3rd week of Jan so you might not hear back just yet- soon though! Good luck to you
  7. Hi! I have some schools in common with you (all for epi as well); BU, NYU GPH, Columbia, and UTHealth and I haven't heard anything from the first three. I got accepted to UTHealth though
  8. Congrats on your Vilcek interview, I hope it went well! And same, I applied to NYU's PhD, epi focus at the public health school and haven't heard anything. Hopefully we hear something soon!
  9. Has anyone heard from NYU epi?
  10. I am wondering the same thing - I also applied to BU and NYU, both epi and haven't heard anything yet
  11. Anyone heard from BU/UCSF Epi PhD?
  12. Congrats! Fingers crossed for the rest of us
  13. https://www.thegradcafe.com/survey/index.php?q=university+of+toronto Scroll down a bit, you'll see it - it was added on Jan 25 2022. Thanks!
  14. Yes, hopefully! I remember seeing like one acceptance on the results page already for this cycle. Yeah, I'm not too sure under what circumstances interviews are done, but hopefully we both hear good news soon. Good luck to you!
  15. I applied to epi as well - haven't heard anything yet
  16. I reached out to admissions and apparently epi does interviews, I'm just not sure if they've sent them out yet? I haven't see any BU epi interviews on the results page so keeping my fingers crossed for one lol
  17. Oh okay! Congrats on your interview do you by any chance know if Epi does interviews?
  18. Did you reach out to admissions asking when decisions will be sent out? Also yep, I received that email too
  19. Anyone know if Columbia epi PhD sends out interviews all on the same day? I saw that some people posted about interviews yesterday
  20. Oh okay, thanks! Keeping my fingers crossed haha - good luck for your interview!
  21. Congratulations! I applied too, and I'm wondering if all interviews are sent on the same day? What do you think?
  22. Oh omg so scary! Ahhh hahah. Thank you for letting me know! Good luck to you
  23. Keeping our fingers crossed for us all!
  24. anyone heard from UW epi yet? I haven't heard anything
  25. Congratulations! So you heard from Harvard and had to interview right away?
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