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Posts posted by Uni17

  1. 5 hours ago, psy30 said:

    Hey!! Congratulations on your acceptance<3. I have applied for Masters in the RCT stream and it still displays Under Review. I was wondering if there was an interview for the Masters program or if you had an opportunity to connect with your POI?? I am a nervous wreck and getting some information will be so helpful!!! 

    Hey! Thank you so much ❤️ I didn't get into the RCT stream it still showed under review but I had reached out to my POI and she is the one that said if I applied for the RCT you will automatically have an application for the experimental masters. I didn't have any interview for the masters program I just had couple meetings with my POI. I would definitely reach out to your POI! I know this process is so stressful but stay strong, I am hoping you get in, wishing you all the best! Reach out to me anytime if you need anything else! 

  2. Hey Everyone! I am accepting my offer for the McMaster Masters program! I was wondering if anyone else is planning on attending Mac for the fall! Would love to get to know you and connect! ? Also, if you are looking for housing as well would love to look together! Wishing all the best to all the other applicants here, as well a special good luck and stay hopeful to all those of you still waiting to hear back! ❤️ 


  3. Hey! Congrats to those that have gotten an interview so far! I haven’t heard back from any universities I have applied to so I was just wondering about those who have gotten an interview at UTSC, Windsor, York, Queens, McGill, McMaster and UBC so far if your okay with it would you be able to Dm me just so I can get an idea of the poi and the timeline and to ease my anxiousness ?

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