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Everything posted by Kankabatir_tirey

  1. Yeah. Ghosted by Northwestern here. I don't know what they're upto. Any leads will be helpful. Also, for every person reading this-Please do take care. It's been quite a cycle. For those accepted at their dream school or anywhere they'd like to go-Congratulations! For those waitlisted-hang on a bit more. Things will be clearer in a month. Fingers crossed for you guys. For those having only seen rejections-I feel you. I've been through that last season. Just believe that everything happens for a reason, and you'll figure out what to do eventually.
  2. Just got a rejection from Brandeis a couple of hours back. Sorry for not being frequent over this thread. I had been too excited about the acceptance offer I got and just wanted to take a break and engage in other things instead of thinking about grad school application decisions. I also got waitlisted by Indiana University Bloomington. And rejected by quite a few schools. 1a/0i/1w/6r/4p
  3. Makes sense. I didn't apply to Duke. Waiting for any news whatsoever from UC Berkeley.
  4. Any update on the socio-cultural track? Haven't received any interview invite yet. Are all interviews done?
  5. Exactly. I had reached out to my POI who informed me yesterday that applications are still under review and final decision can take more time. Same for Minnesota. They are also still reviewing applications atm.
  6. Thanks. Really!!! I love this forum because we can share and put across what we are feeling every moment in this process. It's good to know here that each one of us is not alone. I was so anxious because of the 3 straight rejections coming my way within a week. But now, with the offer, I feel far more composed. It's like, I can think straight, finally.
  7. Hey. Thanks for these kind words. Well, it turns out. Miracles do happen. Got an email just sometime back from my POI at U of Maryland notifying me of acceptance to the program. First acceptance, so super excited to have this offer. I really hope everything turns out well for all of you! I had applied to 12 schools. 4 done. 8 more to go. 1a/0w/0i/3r/8p
  8. Hello everyone! Bad bad Tuesday. Back to back rejections within an hour. UT Austin and then UNC Chapel Hill. I guess this year is pretty much going downhill. 0a/0w/0i/3r/9p
  9. First decision of this season. Cornell. Rejected. Bad way to the start the season. Waiting on other schools. 0a/1r/0w/11p
  10. Thank you so much! Really needed to hear this. I'm trying to myself going and keeping myself busy with other work!!
  11. Oh. So might be potential bad news from there as well. Tough season!
  12. Not yet. I'm also planning to send emails to a few schools at the end of the coming week. If anyone has any information before that, please do share here.
  13. Hi, everyon. Wondering if there is any news from UCI or U of Minnesota. Usually, every year, by this time their interviews are done. (At least, that's what happened last year). Did anyone receive interview invites? Any news on these schools?
  14. Congrats! That's positive for sure. I'd applied to Northwestern as well. Sociocultural track. Haven't heard back from them. So, I'd assume it's also potential bad news duhh..
  15. Hey. As far as I am aware, I think it means soft rejection and (rarely) possible waitlist. Sometimes, they interview a few more number of students they wish to take, and organise acceptances and the waitlist among them. At least that's what I know. Last cycle, at one of the schools I applied to, I had reached out to the DGS who had told me that I didn't make it in the first round itself, hence didn't get an interview call. So, I believe the application is treated as round one and then interviews are considered round two. Although, it might vary from school to school and you never know what's in store for you (or any of us for that matter). Some schools roll out interviews in cycles and it depends on the availability of the POI. So, I'd suggest keep your hopes high. Until you get hold of the rejection letter, consider yourself to be still in the game. This is as much as I know. Others would be able to speak better on this.
  16. Congratulations @Humeralhead!! I think, and as far as I've heard from my mentors, there's is usually only one interview. Maybe it's just a formality, or maybe they're only running informal kinds of interviews with the student and the PI. Anyway, a good step for you hope. Really wish this works well for you! I had applied to Northwestern as well. I haven't heard anything from them. I'm assuming it's a plain rejection then (?) Anyway, saw posted results from Cornell and UT Austin. Haven't heard anything from them as well. So, bad news from there too. I'm mentally preparing myself for a tough season full of rejections. Duhh..
  17. Thank you so much @weast!!! I remember you too. Really hoping something good works out for both of us. To everyone, I saw two new posts on the results page. Anyone else got any information on Cornell? One person (international applicant) got in. Their result post says 'accepted via phone'. Congratulations to them!! I haven't heard anything from them in a any medium, phone or email or anything. I know this probably could mean a potential reject or waitlist (still keeping hopes high lol) for me, but I'm just curious if anyone else has heard anything from them.
  18. Hello, everyone. This is my second cycle of applications. Last year, I had applied to 4 schools and got rejected by all of them. This year, I graduated with a master's and have been preparing my applications for the cycle. I have applied to 11 schools (UCI, UCLA, UCB, UBuffalo, UNC, Cornell, Northwestern, U of Maryland, U of Minnesota, IUB, UT Austin), and intend to submit applications for one more (Brandeis). Socio-cultural track. I am worried, in some schools which had early application deadlines, my writing sample had some grammatical errors. But otherwise, I'm trying to be positive for this cycle. (Also the other side of me is making me believe that I blew up the application due to those grammatical errors lol) I think it is too early too expect responses from schools. Hoping everyone really gets through the best place they want to be in. Fingers crossed, for all of you. Good luck, guys!
  19. Thanks for pointing out. Just saw them on the results page. Haven't received any intimation. Should I strike off Brandeis from my list as well? Ugh.
  20. Hey. I am waiting on Brandeis too. Haven’t heard anything yet. I didn’t know they get back that quick. I was assuming they'd take sometime to work through applications. My wait has now watered down to only Brandeis and UMass. Pretty much rejected or anticipating a rejection from everywhere else. Fingers crossed.
  21. Hey. Thanks a lot for breaking the icy silence on this. That means, I should just sit out for an official rejection intimation. Two rejections (including UCI), waiting on any news on two more. Duh.
  22. Just repeating what I have already mentioned here in the thread! Any updates on UCI? I saw two interview posts around early Jan. Other than that, there is an eerie silence. I'm sort of expecting a rejection since I did not get any intimation regarding interview or anything. Is it a good idea to email the Director of Graduate Admissions or my POI to know the status of my application? Should I drop them an email to check on it or should I just let it be and wait further (in anxiety)?
  23. Anyone with any idea about UC Irvine? I saw two people having posted interview calls in early Jan. Haven’t heard anything more from any sources whatsoever. Should I assume rejection already?
  24. Congratulations on GC at CUNY!
  25. Thanks a lot! Hoping great for you as well
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