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Everything posted by FingersCrossedMSW

  1. I guess we’re all in the same boat then at least ?
  2. I’d also love to join! Also, has anyone received any information about the orientation dates in August? I’ve heard nothing, but my friend who attended last year had heard by now. I’m a bit worried because I have gotten no emails, etc.
  3. Thanks! Last name starts with P.
  4. I just received an email rejecting my application to the part-time advanced standing MSW at Laurier. I’d already accepted an offer to the MSWwp program at Windsor though. Hope you hear good news soon!!
  5. Meeee! Would also love to connect
  6. It came in just before 1:00 today. Hope you hear this week too!!!
  7. Fingers crossed you hear soon!!!!
  8. It’s a one year post-grad program, often paired with their SDS degree. But I did my undergrad at Laurier, just needed to have a BA including 10 specific prerequisite courses for admission to the BSW (and grades, experience, etc., it’s a competitive program). I was granted equivalency for some courses (like my psych stats courses), and cross registered at UWaterloo to get some others. My application was submitted in full November 7. I think I applied October 22. Hope that helps!
  9. Got accepted into advanced standing MSWwp at UWindsor today! Application info for anyone interested: first In Process date was November 8, then date changed to January 7. I had about 30,000 hrs of experience and 10.74 (or 3.9) GPA in my BA and 4.0 in my 1-year BSW at Renison (will be done this June). Good luck to everyone!! I also applied to Renison, and part time to Laurier, but Windsor was my first choice so accepted the offer. Would love to connect with others going to Windsor next fall as well!!
  10. Oh good to know! My status date has changed twice too. Good luck! Hopefully next week is our week!
  11. Same! Every Friday marks another terrible milestone of yet another week without hearing. I really wish they had updated their website from 4-6 weeks. 14 and counting over here, this is brutal. Would have been better to have just known it would take longer…
  12. Not yet, but surely this week ????It’s been so much longer than they indicated it would be and I’m so stressed about it!
  13. I completed my application to MSWwp advanced standing at Windsor early in November, and still haven’t heard anything. Website says 4-6 weeks, but it’s been almost 12 now. Anyone else in the same situation? This wait it brutal. I applied to WLU & UW as well but at least I knew they would be a longer wait.
  14. Same thing happened to me.... changed to in process back in early November, and now the date changed to Jan 7, still says in process. The wait is brutal!
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