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Posts posted by sport1

  1. Hello,


    I'm curious about programs with interdisciplinary centers or certificates in classics, art history, and/or religion. Do your own institutions have them, or did you apply to some that did? Failing that, perhaps you know of places where informal but robust research-sharing, workshops, or reading groups occur.


    (For clarification, I'm not looking to apply to these places - just seeking your assistance in developing a list of models like these.)




  2. Hello,


    I'm curious about programs with interdisciplinary centers or certificates in classics, art history, and/or religion. Do your own institutions have them, or did you apply to some that did? Failing that, perhaps you know of places where informal but robust research-sharing, workshops, or reading groups occur.


    (For clarification, I'm not looking to apply to these places - just seeking your assistance in developing a list of models like these.)




  3. Hello,


    I'm curious about programs with interdisciplinary centers or certificates in classics, art history, and/or religion. Do your own institutions have them, or did you apply to some that did? Failing that, perhaps you know of places where informal but robust research-sharing, workshops, or reading groups occur.


    (For clarification, I'm not looking to apply to these places - just seeking your assistance in developing a list of models like these.)




  4. I visited Nashville this past weekend and drove all around looking at neighborhoods.


    It seems I may be priced out of the nice areas right around Vanderbilt (Hillsboro, 12 South, Sylvan Park, etc.), especially since I won't be having roommates and my s.o. and I would really like something like a duplex rather than an apartment. 


    However, I was really enamored by the sense of community and low-key feel of East Nashville. It has the bohemian, mixed income, up-and-coming vibe I've become accustomed to in Austin. Can anyone comment on the commute time to Vanderbilt from neighborhoods like Eastwood, Cleveland Park, and Inglewood, both during rush hour and non-rush-hour?


    Thanks in advance!


    Hey Tuck,


    I'm from Texas too! I lived north of Austin for awhile, and I can state authoritatively that Nashville traffic is so much easier than the ridiculous back-ups on 35. God. The closest I've come to that is actually not on the highways but on West End heading southwest at rush hour - that used to take me about an hour.


    Anyway, I live in East Nash right now, and it takes me an easy 15-20 minute drive to get to 9am classes. Coming home can be a bit more frustrating starting around 4:30 - it usually takes me 30min, but if there's an accident or something it gets up to 45-60min - that's rare. At other times of day it's a solid 12 minutes. So I find it simple, and you're right, there's an Austin vibe. :)


    I'm not sure about timing. Things open up all summer because the rental scene is so studenty. I'm not sure you need a realtor, honestly; I've moved lots during my time here and found my places on classifieds, craigslist, listservs. I'd search the listservs or google groups for areas you're interested in. 

  5. Yes, definitely. However, my theological convictions aren't what they once were at the time I enrolled in my UG. Basically, I am trying to take a step out of that "circle." That is not to say that I think all conservatives or evangelical types are "missing it" or whatever. I'm not trying to bash my school or classmates at all. I just hope to be involved with a different spectrum of academia and of the church. With that said, I am looking into a school with more ecumenical dialogue.

    I'd reiterate more strongly what someone else recommended - address it in your statement. Point out the ways your personal identity differs from your school's, and in what ways the school actually helped you - gracious & compassionate dialogue with people with whom you don't agree, for example. A broad perspective is always a good thing. And you can let your uniqueness shine against the backdrop of the school. Unexpected stories like yours can, I'm sure, be a pretty good hook. Your last sentence - "I am looking into a school with more ecumenical dialogue" - is great.

    Also, I sometimes wonder if higher-calibre schools might even be looking for people from more conservative backgrounds to diversify the conversations within the classroom ( / change their minds?). Occasionally it seems that way.

  6. Post. It seems that their top candidates are notified much earlier than the rest of their acceptances. Which is starting to indicate that I am not one of their top choices.

    If it helps, last year I wasn't notified of my full-tuition award until early March. Could've meant I was on the short list but not a top choice; could've meant a timetable; whatever. But does mean that there are other factors at play and you shouldn't stress out too much yet. :)

  7. Thoughts on Claremont Graduate University? What are the first thoughts you have about it? (We're playing word association...)

    And after that, here's background on me: Currently getting MTS at Vanderbilt. Intend to focus on women in the early church.

    How competitive is Claremont? If you were ranking PhDs in religion, how might you rank it?



  8. Hello! So...I just entered Vanderbilt Div for my MTS. Finished up orientation today. :) However, that means I'm starting to brainstorm (read: freak out about) PhD programs. My focus is women in early Christianity (particularly women's authority), so I've been googling where authors are that I use in research, etc. They're mostly at schools that I wouldn't consider particularly exemplary. (Obvious exception being Schussler Fiorenza at Harvard.) I've also started looking through faculty lists at different schools like Harvard, Yale, Princeton, etc.

    When it comes to PhD work, is it best to go to an illustrious institution, or one that lines up with your research interests? For instance, one scholar is at Brite - at Texas Christian University! Crazy! What does this mean? And does anyone have any other ideas for structuring my search? Or has anyone just decided for me where I should go? :)

    As a bit of framework, I've been a really competitive student so far. Obviously I'm hoping to maintain that level through my master's program...haha. I have a full-tuition award here at Vandy; Phi Beta Kappa; summa cum laude...all that jazz. I also consider myself an excellent writer. (I say that not to brag but to give frameworks, etc.) I am in Div School, of course, but I intend to pursue objective academic work; no affiliation to denominations or anything.

    Any help would be great!


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