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Posts posted by Electricladder

  1. Hi All, 

    Thanks for starting this thread! It was much needed. I’ve applied to a MPH at UofT and McMaster. I also applied to UofA and uOttawa for MSc in Epi. 

    I also applied for Health Services Research at UofT which I was accepted in a few weeks ago. Waiting to hear back from MPH programs so I can make a final decision ?

  2. 31 minutes ago, Terelia said:

    This is my third time applying. The first time I didn't have any interviews, the second time I was waitlisted but ultimately rejected but remain hopeful for this cycle. 

    My next step after being rejected the first time was the get a research assistant job. I also emailed numerous professors looking to volunteer work on the side. Because of covid, I even emailed professors at universities outside of my province to see if there was any volunteer work available remotely. This actually worked well for me and I was able to do remote volunteer work with a professor in Ontario who ended up being a reference for me this year. I also ended up doing some volunteer work for Kids Help Phone - I don't think that has made any difference on my application but it was a good experience and confirmed my desire for clinical rather than just experimental. 

    In terms of coping, the first time wasn't that bad to cope with for me personally. I was upset but shook it off pretty quickly. I kind of expected the get rejected because I know things are competitive and knew that my application could be stronger. 

    The second time was awful though. I felt miserable for weeks after I got rejected if I'm being honest. My best friend got accepted to a school (which I was very happy about for her) but you can't help but feel a little envious even if you know it's wrong. I also knew she was moving away for school at that point and the prospect of working from home alone for another year while waiting to apply again really sent me spiraling. 

    I did let myself feel upset for a bit but eventually, I just turned my focus to what I could improve on. I made lots of lists of things I could do and just started working through those lists - it helped me to focus on something I could change rather to focus on something I couldn't (easier said then done though - believe me, I get it). I leaned a lot on my family and friends for support when I got rejected and it helped me a lot. 

    Hope something here helps! Feel free to PM me :)

    Thank you for this ?

    It’s my first time applying and although I’ve have had prelim interviews with a few programs, I am trying to prepare for the worst case scenario. I have applied to several other masters programs (not psychology) and I am wondering if it would be wise to do a master in another field (i.e MPH, or epidemiology) and apply again to clinical psych instead of PhD level. Now masters such as epidemiology are much more quantitative so do you think it would be seen more favourable to admission committees if we don’t get accepted to clinical psyc this year? Does anyone have recommendations. 


  3. 29 minutes ago, ClinicalPsychBean said:

    **Sorry this was supposed to be a response to the above poster! I can't figure out how to directly respond :)


    I heard back from UVic about an informal preliminary interview with BT over the holidays. Her preliminary interviews were completed by January 10th! She let me know on the call I'd very likely be receiving the official interview invite on January 21st (I think that was the date)!

    Thanks for the info! I listed BT as one of my POI but not primary. Im losing hope every min…At this point, my entire life hinges on uOttawa’s decision lol! 

  4. I did have an informal interview at uOttawa with a POI last week. I had also applied to UVIC but haven't heard anything from yet…I wonder if anyone else has heard back from UVIC ?

    I doubt you can resubmit transcripts but your best bet would be ask the program admin

    1 hour ago, skowall said:

    Has anyone heard from Calgary, Ryerson, Ottawa or UVic? I've only heard from UofM but only because I had a connection in the department. It's my first time applying so I'm super nervous. I'm also still in progress of finishing my undergrad degree. Does anyone know if we can resubmit transcripts or update it as we receive more marks? Let me know :)


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