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Everything posted by Mariposaa

  1. Did anyone here apply to Boston University's Emerging Media Studies program?
  2. sorry I don't know what I just did lol idk how to work this forum lmao I was just trying to post that waiting for USC is driving me nuts I've checked my email so many times today?
  3. Did anyone here get into Texas A&M? I'm waitlisted & wondering my odds of getting in ?
  4. Omg so did I!! ? I Should have just waited for the regular deadline so I could’ve perfected everything. Maybe they won’t notice lol
  5. Only from the big dogs like Upenn and USC, which I'm not expecting an offer from either. You?
  6. Judith and Amelia as well Yeah I’m still considering too, it’s such a significant decision! Do you know when we have to decide by?
  7. Was anyone else waitlisted for Texas A&M University? I'm wondering what the odds are that I'll get off of it...
  8. Congrats!! I also got accepted to UMaine, what are your thoughts on going there?? Also who were you admitted to work under?
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