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  • Gender
  • Location
    Toledo, Spain
  • Program
    Fulbright ETA Turkey

RubiaNubia's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Got email from Rachel. Granted Turkey ETA!! If someone wants to update the spreadsheet.... Name: RubiaNubia Notification: Email Date: 10/06/2011 Result: Accepted
  2. lol, no I´ve given up on checking my email. This wait is now past the point of ridiculous.
  3. Just out of curiosity, is there any other country out there still waiting for notification besides those of us waiting on Turkey?
  4. What is the actual name of the group? My browser keeps saying there´s an error when I click the link. Thanks
  5. Yup it was originally only 50 spots so the more the merrier!
  6. Congrats! Are you Full or ETA? I guess that means the rest of us should be hearing soon as well
  7. I also am a Turkey finalist and according to the forum last year, like bermet said, they didn´t find out until mid-May so just hold on a bit longer!
  8. Hi bermet, I am a Turkey ETA finalist but it´ll be a while before we hear anything.
  9. Congrats! Last year they seemed to have some problems with funding and getting paperwork in order. I hope that they notify earlier because I have another scholarship as well and really don´t want to have to decline it then get rejected.
  10. I´m a finalist for a Turkey ETA. Is there anyone else? Does anyone know if the same issues from last year might occur again this year?
  11. Hi rachaelski, Thanks! I'm partially through last years thread. Also thanks for the tip on the Duke website. It has been helpful
  12. Hi everyone, I'm Carla. I'm glad to find this group. I'm applying for an ETA to Turkey. Is there another forum as well or is this the main one for help and advice? Thanks
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