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Everything posted by anxiouspsyc

  1. Hello everyone! For those still waiting to hear back from UOttawa MEd, I was waitlisted back in February and they just updated my portal last night and am now refused! Good luck to all the candidates
  2. I checked my portal and I am also still on the waitlist! I accepted another offer but I am still curious hahah
  3. Hi everyone! Here are my stats: academics: I am graduating this May with a Bachelor's in Psychology and minor in Behavioural Science and Sociology at McGill, I have a CGPA of 3.8/4.0 a PSYC GPA of 3.95/4.0 and a final year GPA of 4.0/4.0. I am also completing an honours-equivalent thesis. For work experience: I interned as a Street Outreach Worker at a crisis intervention and active listening centre for 6 months ABA therapist for 6 months workshop facilitator for youth mental health for 6 months mental health case manager for 1 year For volunteer experience: Volunteered at 2 crisis intervention and active listening centres for about 2 years Psychology undergrad association coordinator for 1 year Mental Health Commissioner for my faculty for 6 months Research Assistant for 4 different psychology/counselling labs for about 3 years For my references: I had my research supervisor for my thesis and my supervisor from my internship I had my response to the application question reviewed by 7+ grad students and 2 school career advisors (I think this helped strengthen it!) Let me know if there are any more questions ?
  4. Hello everyone! I got my acceptance today to UofT OISE Med counselling and psychotherapy program ? good luck to all who applied! (i got an email and portal was updated)
  5. Did you get an email or was it through the portal? I didn't get my response yet?
  6. Haven't heard anything yet and am going crazy with refreshing all my portals, emails, and this forum 2842729 times a day?
  7. Mine still says submitted too!
  8. I have seen a lot of graduates from Yorkville working at different clinics as well, and many students I spoke to who went there all were able to find practicums/jobs without much problem. I think its also important to note, that the harder and more limited other programs are in Canada (the Guelf situation, McGill not taking applicants this year, and the growing competitiveness in general) I think a lot of students are going to resort to these programs. The tuition is crazy though, but for students who are privileged to be able to afford it, I think it is a contender! (I also saw that they are looking for a director for their upcoming Master in Marriage and Couple Therapy program that will probably launch in the next couple years I'm thinking!)
  9. pleaseeeeee i did not need this today loll ?
  10. Definitely saw that some people only heard back in May last year too (hopefully this doesnt happen this year!!) For me it still says "submitted" too!
  11. Based on last years forum and the year before, they started giving out acceptances on March 4th (so hopefully some of us start hearing back tomorrow!!)
  12. Any news for U Ottawa? Last year they gave out acceptances on Feb 24-25!
  13. AHAH literallyyyyy, its all i think about... like i need to know what my life will be like in a few months lol
  14. I feel you! The day before the results came out I just finished complaining to my family how this waiting is torture.. felt like it was a joke from the universe that i was waitlisted and have to wait even more ? For OISE Im hoping we find out in March but last year some people literally heard in May .. I hope this doesnt happen this year
  15. Totally! I also got excited thinking that I had a chance, but then I saw soooo many people were waitlisted, just made me wonder if they just told us we're waitlisted to go through a second round of admission review and so on..
  16. I noticed this too, based on the results forum and this forum there's at least 10 people who have said they've been waitlisted (given that obv not everyone even uses this forum, im assuming there are way more) .. if they accept ~30 how many can really be on the actual waitlist ? Im hoping we will see some acceptances roll out soon and have some clarity on this.
  17. Im thinking the same exact thing! (I hope its not just wishful thinking, but it would make sense!)
  18. Question for anyone who applied to UOttawa: Does anyone still have their application under review? Im wondering if they have given out acceptances yet but all I've seen are waitlists (and like a lot of them)? Does anyone think its possible that they might have done a first round of rejections + waitlists and then going through the waitlists and accepting from there? (I know thats not the general way grad schools do it, but could this be a possibility?)
  19. omg where did you see this? on the website that they would try their best before June 1st! Mid-July is crazy late especially for students who have to find apartments (to note tho I saw on the forum last year that someone on the waiting list got an admissions offer end of March, so that's our hope it'll be sooner!)
  20. I know 3 people who got straight up "Refused" to UOttawa MEd this year. Not sure about last years applicants
  21. So far, I've only seen rejections from U ottawa (and my waitlist) so maybe they're pushing out the acceptances tomorrow or next week? I don't think any one has been officially accepted yet (based on this forum/the results page). Id take it as a good sign!
  22. Just checked UofO application and got waitlisted. For those who were accepted, did they give you a deadline to accept? Just trying to figure out if I should still have hope that I'll get in.
  23. On last years forum + the admission results forum (and a friend I know in the program who got in last year) it seems like a good portion of applicants UofO Med received their admission status around Feb 25! In that case we are tortured for only one more week lol
  24. I haven't heard back yet! on last years forum people started hearing back around March break and some only heard back in April?
  25. Has anyone heard back from UOttawa Med counselling psyc ? This waiting game is actual torture
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