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Posts posted by braindead

  1. Hi,

    It's good to see you have started so early for the application process (assuming you would be applying for fall 2012). First thing I believe in is that a personal, story like plot indeed brings out the character in you and I would strongly insist that you keep it that way. As everyone has mentioned instead of looking at your Law degree as a waste, you can probably list out some key achievements during that phase, despite which you wanted more out of your career. The language on the whole can be tightened. GPPI accepts only 500 words.

    I must admit, even I had started off the way you have. Got my SOP reviewed from a few people, maintained the storyline narrative and tried to be as concise. In the end I got admits from 5 out of 6 schools I applied to (which includes GPPI as well). So I would recommend you to stick to the style you have adopted. You may try out variations as someone as suggested but I am not sure if you should make it professional.

    Thanks. Any other feedback?

  2. I am indeed surprised on receiving mails from Harris that the decisions would be out soon. I in fact received my decision on 3rd March itself! Which by all standards was pretty early. But I guess not many people were informed back then. Anyway, I don't think I would be considering Harris because of the low scholarship from them. All the best to you guys.

  3. First of all, congratulations. I think you should put this problem in perspective, since it really is an enviable set of options to have, however stressful the decision may be.

    I stand by my opinions in expressing that SIPA seems like the stronger of the two programs in terms of reputation, alumni base, proximity to potential employers, availability of internships, etc. Also note that 70% of SIPA 2nd-years get funding, of which the median award is 21K.

    This said, a 30K/year offer is a hard one to turn down.

    I'd say attend both admitted students' days, ask sharp questions about coursework, career prospects, etc., and then decide whether the perceived benefits of SIPA outweigh the loans.

    Let me know if you have any other questions, but if not, see you on April 12!

    Thanks for the wishes. But as it turns out with each passing day, SIPA seems to be a distant dream because of the sheer amount of program fee and lack of any scholarship. I don't have so much funds to support me and nor can I take a loan of such a huge amount. I am at international candidate and won't be able to make it to the open day.

  4. $30,000 scholarship for the MIB!! Arghhh! More than being happy am in a fix! I was most inclined to SIPA until I received the decision from Fletcher! Help me!

    OK, on second thoughts I am ecstatic! Wow 30K is a hell lot of money! Congratulations to all those who got selected!

  5. IMPORTANT!!!!! DOES ANYONE KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THIS!?!?!? It's posted in the Results section and coming from a person who applied to the MPA-DP program.

    Accepted. March 10. This response was really weird!!! I received a rejection from SIPA and 1 hour later, I received an urgent message from Matt Clemons apologizying and offering me admission. He wrote that there had been serious technical problems and many students who received rejections were actually accepted!!!

    Errrm....That's interesting! I just hope the vice versa is not true for people like me who have been accepted! tongue.gif

  6. I don't know, I tried using Firefox, Safari and IE, all to no avail, which leads me to think it's a glitch in their system.

    Hi, don't panic. Perhaps the system is overloaded. It happened with me too. But rectified on its own after a while. The best way out is to of course contact the ad com directly. All the best!

  7. I got in as well. International student here from Nigeria! No funding though :( I am happy to get in though. I was wondering, did anyone apply for the International Fellows Program? I am curious to know if they have a different notification for people who applied or is this already part of the official decision. Oh well, time for me to celebrate....I will pray for the other folks on this forum to get in. Good luck.

    Congratulations! Even I applied for the IFP but my letter didn't say anything about the IFP. So I am assuming I didn't get the IFP.

  8. 5 years from now? I don't think either really matter if you're going into government (assuming that's what you're going for.)

    I think the intervening variable is what you've done in the past 5 years that will be more important.

    That being said, the program you studied will probably determine what you do during the first few years after graduation :P

    Then again... I think it really depends on which sector you're working in, (federal government doesn't really care, but the swanky private sector is more picky.)

    Thanks for the reply. Giving my current situation, I might have to pick up a job in the private sector immediately after graduation to pay off my debts. Having done that I would like to return to the public sector after a couple of years.

  9. Congrats!! For those who heard back, did your online app get updated as well (with your admit status)?

    Hi Letsjustgo,

    The online status was not updated. I received an email regarding the offer and am expecting the same via post too.

  10. For all those looking to enter the professional line (after doing the likes of MPP or MA-IR or similar programs), in 5 years from now, does it matter which program you studied? Or is it just the name of the university/school that matters?

  11. Recently I finished a 2 year contract with an INGO overseas, and I planned to begin the MPA in Fall 2011. Yet, I have been offered a 1 year contract with another NGO in South Sudan. On one hand, it is a great opportunity that would allow me to gain more field experience and even save up more money. On the other, I would not be able to begin school this fall.

    I have been accepted at LSE, but I have not received a response from any others - and I have to respond to this job offer pretty soon.

    I am hoping to attend LSE, Fletcher, or Princeton if I get accepted. Does anyone know how they treat deferral requests? - their websites are ambiguous on this issue. Do you think they would grant a deferral if I took this job?

    As per the website (http://fletcher.tufts.edu/admissions/policies.shtml) they do entertain deferral on a case by case basis.

  12. You obviously have a good grasp of the pros (great school and program) and cons (the consequences of the program being non-traditional and relatively new, if I remember correctly).

    Judging from the MIB class of 2010 employment data from the Fletcher website, it does look, though, that students seem to be successful in finding jobs in both private sector work as well as the type of public sector work in which you express interest in the long-term. I'd say that, given the above, Fletcher would be a great fit for you. (As with any program, though, you always need to be skeptical of whether those students got those private-sector jobs due to what the program offered, or the private sector experience that the students already had.)

    In addition to Fletcher's MIB program, out of the list of schools that you've applied to, I'd say that the program that jumps out at me as making sense given your career goals is SIPA's International Finance and Economic Policy concentration (though that might be an effect of knowing more about SIPA as a Columbia alum / SIPA admit... I'd be curious to hear what other people think about the other programs that braindead lists). Though it's not a concentration that I've researched in depth, I recall reading that the finance coursework that the International Finance track offers exceeds the depth that a general MBA would offer, with the added benefits of being able to take one Columbia Business School class a semester (pending prereqs) and being able to work/network with prospective employers in the city.

    Given how informed you seem to be, I'm sure you've already done this, but in addition to the finance/B-school coursework that the various programs allow you to take, I'd say take a look at the various schools' employment data (% graduates going into private sector jobs, in addition to past employers), and then wait around for admissions/funding decisions and make your decision accordingly.

    Hi Greendiplomat,

    Thanks a lot for the reply. In fact Columbia SIPA is on the top of my list, especially the track you 've mentioned. However another concern that I would like to share is that I don't have prior experience in either finance or economics or banking for that matter. I have come to understand that it would be difficult to secure employment without prior experience in a related field. The same webpage of IFEP mentions in the last sentence "...job search will depend on their experience before coming to SIPA, academic work and a measure of luck." How good is that :P I also spoke with a current student at MIB and he had a similar thing to say. What's your take on this?

    Also, yes I would be interested in knowing which of the univs I have mentioned would be good for the track I am interested in, considering that I don't have prior experience in it.


  13. Right,

    As the topic says 'Best of both the worlds' I am not really sure where to post this question - in this forum or in the business forum. Now if as little a thing as posting this question can create a dilemma, you can imagine the dilemma one would face while choosing this program! So, I 've applied to the MIB program at Fletcher and am not sure whether I would want to take it up if I get selected. Several of my friends who are studying at renowned B-Schools opine that with such graduate programs that offer best of both the worlds (in this case business and international affairs) you can be sure to land up nowhere.

    The reasons I like the Fletcher MIB are as follows :-

    1. Fletcher has a great student body, faculty and offers great support (career and otherwise) to the students

    2. The curriculum excites me a lot

    The reasons I am skeptical about MIB are: -

    1. It's not a regular MBA or MALD/MIA program

    2. Recruiters may be wary about the program

    My future goals: -

    1. Short term - Work in private sector consulting firm (in a specialized industry vertical - finance/economics)

    2. Long term - Return home and work as an advisor to the government

    Any thoughts over this?

  14. Hmm,

    I think its a safe bet to not think too much about it coz after this if we don't get selected it will be a major letdown.

    I received a similar email and was just as confused! I asked a few friends what they thought and I got mixed opinions. Some thought I shouldnt read into it and others thought it can only be a good sign.

    Either we both just happen to be strong candidates or they really do that for everyone. (seems so unlikely though??)

  15. Hi Guys,

    Today I received a mail regarding my application from the Associate Director - MIB Program, Fletcher School. Reading the mail has put me in a confusion and I would like to have a 2nd opinion. Essentially, it was a personalized e-mail and she had commended my work experience. She also mentioned that she enjoyed reading my application and considered me a strong candidate. The mail further went onto to give some general details about the school and where I can find more information.

    What should I make of this? Is it commonplace to receive such mails before the official results are out? Has anyone else received a similar mail?


  16. Hi everyone! I'm a current first-year student at Duke University's Sanford School of Public Policy and I remember that this time last year was essentially an anxious game filled with jitters, nerves, and tons of questions! I thought I'd get on here and try to offer any and all insights that I have on my application season and why I ended up choosing Duke over several other schools. Feel free to write back to this thread about anything you want - program components, curriculum, specializations, electives, extracurriculars, people, Durham as a city, social life, anything - and I will be happy to help. It may not be an instant response, but I'll certainly get back to you all within a day or two.

    A word of advice: you've done all you can at this point, and now's just a waiting game. The hard part's over! So enjoy these couple weeks of "freedom" before the decision-making process has to start :-)




    Thanks a ton for this thread. I have couple of queries that only increase as the result day approaches. Although it's still far, I want to get a few things straight. From what I have read about Duke-MPP on other similar threads, I fear that Duke may not be the best place for getting placed in the private sector. My personal interest is in working for a consulting firm post graduation. Considering that I am international candidate, will it be difficult with an MPP from Duke?

    Thanks once again for your time


  17. Hi there,

    What I could not gather from your profile is whether you have any experience of working in non-profits or not? Coming from a non-social sciences background and without having much experience of working in non-profits, in my opinion it becomes tad difficult to get an admit. I am not really sure whether I would be the right person to advice you on which schools to select as I am in the same boat as you are in. What I would rather recommend you is to also check out UK schools such as IDS - Univ of Sussex, SOAS - Univ. of London, Univ of Manchester. Their course on Development Studies would be more relevant to Rural Development.

    Most US schools under the MPP/MPA program donot offer rural development as a concentration. The closest you may find is International Development. Several US schools on the other hand are more renowned in the domestic policy circle. Browse this forum more to check out the reputation of the schools you've mentioned. To give you an example IPS @ JHU is more renowned for its Health Policy concentration. Again I am not sure if it would be the right choice for studying rural development.


    Hi All,

    I am applying for MA in Publc policy (Fall 2011) . I am a techie working with Oracle corporation. I know I am a bit late ...., Planning to apply to the following places. Pls let me know your opinion , whether they are safe/ambitious, chances of funding/assistantship. I dont know anyone doing MPP Programs to turn to for advice.

    Also, let me know if I missed any univ where I should have applied.


    BTech in Computer Science Engineering [2009] - 79.6% ( 5th in class of 55)

    Best Outgoing student of 2009 from college( from 250 students)

    Lots of extra curriculars through out college, including some bit of community service work.

    1 year IT work ex with Oracle Corporation , India

    Class 10th: 94.3% , Class 12 :94 %

    GRE: 1390[ Verbal:630, Q:760, AWA:awaited, prob 4 or 5]

    1. Master of Public Admin. at Rockfeller, State university of New York


    2. Master of Public Affairs at University of Texas, Austin

    Master of Public Affairs Program (MPAff) | Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs

    3.Master of Public policy at University of Michigan

    Master of Public Policy (MPP) | Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy

    4. Master of Public policy at George Mason


    5. MPA in Development practise at Columbia University ( interesting course, seems available only at SIPA)


    6. Master of Public policy at University of Maryland

    Degree Programs | Public Policy, University of Maryland

    7. MA in Public policy at John Hopkins Univ

    Masters of Arts in Public Policy | Institute for Policy Studies (IPS)

    8. Also,University College London and London School of Economics offers a one year Msc in Public policy.


    Planning to focus on Rural Development in India, esp PURA (providing urban amenities in rural areas)

    I want to shortlist to 6 universities from this list. Priority is of course chances of assistant ship/funding. Please let me know ur valuable advise.

    Is my list too ambitious? Should I go for any other universities which will be more safe for me??

    Please help

    Thanks a ton:)

  18. Hi Guys,

    Here is my profile.

    Program Applying To (MPA, MPP, IR, etc.): MPP, MPA, MIB (Masters in International Business)

    Schools Applying To: Sanford (MPP), SIPA (MPA), GPPI (MPP), Ford (MPP), Harris (MPP), Fletcher (MIB)

    Schools Admitted To:

    Schools Rejected From:

    Still Waiting:

    Undergraduate institution: One of best technical institutes of India

    Undergraduate GPA: 7.76/10

    Last 60 hours of Undergraduate GPA (if applicable): NA

    Undergraduate Major: Mechanical Engineering

    GRE Quantitative Score: 800 (Gave the GRE today)

    GRE Verbal Score: 590 (Gave the GRE today)

    GRE AW Score: ? (Awaited)

    Years Out of Undergrad (if applicable): 4 (by Fall 2011)

    Years of Work Experience: 4 (by fall 2011)

    Describe Relevant Work Experience: Have worked with NGOs working in the Himalayan region of India on projects related to agriculture, livelihood, appropriate technology.

    Strength of SOP (be honest, describe the process, etc): Still working on it, but I think my strength comes from my solid work experience while working with the under-developed communities lying in the remote Himalayan mountains (to give you an idea, in villages lying as high as 15,000 ft above the sea level). My aim is to continue working for the region where there is a huge lag between appropriate policies and their implementation.

    Strength of LOR (be honest, describe the process, etc): Two professional, one from a professional services firm I was a part of immediately after graduation. Another one from the director of the NGO. One academic reco from a professor. I am not sure if he would be able to comment on a big way about me, but I am confident about the professional recos.

    Other: I am having scruples regarding the schools I have selected. Any comments regarding these?

    Good luck to everyone!

  19. Hi folks,

    I am a potential applicant and will be applying for the MIDP program this year and only MIDP because they don't need the GRE. Is there anyone over here whose currently pursuing the same or planning to apply for it?

    I have a couple of concerns regarding the same. Firstly, I am an international applicant and what matters to me the most is the international students at the school and the inclusion of international development related courses in the program. I am also looking at a program that allows flexibility in choosing the courses. Whereas most public policy programs are focussed around US, I find the MIDP program at Sanford to be a perfect match for me.

    Can anyone provide me insights into the program such as how is the program perceived vis-a-vis the MPP program? what is the selection ratio for the program? What is the profile of an average student at MIDP? what are the prospects after MIDP wrt placement overseas? Is the MIDP program comparable with the HKS MPA/ID considering that HKS MPA/ID is the only other similar program I have come across? But I think I am not even eligible for the MPA/ID program because I don't have economic background per se.

    Are there more policy programs that focus on international development and have a large international student population attending it?

    I would really appreciate any inputs.

  20. Hi folks,

    It was quite enlightening reading all the replies on this post. Well, I am a potential applicant and will be applying for the MIDP program this year. Is there anyone over here whose currently pursuing the same?

    I have a couple of concerns regarding the same. Firstly, I am an international applicant and what matters to me the most is the international students at the school and the inclusion of international development related courses in the program. Whereas most public policy programs are focussed around US, I find the MIDP program at Sanford to be a perfect match for me, which all the more makes me nervous :)

    Can anyone provide me insights into the program such as how is the program perceived vis-a-vis the MPP program? what is the selective ratio for the program? What is the profile of an average student at MIDP? what are the prospects after MIDP wrt placement overseas? Is the MIDP program comparable with the HKS MPA/ID considering that HKS MPA/ID is the only other similar program I have come across.

    I would really appreciate any inputs.

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