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Everything posted by mythos

  1. Thank you so much!!! I applied to very few schools and this was my last one (was waitlisted at U of M American Culture, but rejections across the board at the other 3) so it's such a relief. It does seem very oddly structured and impersonal so far; haven't had any direct communication with the program (I spoke with my POI last fall just casually but nothing past that) so I am eager for more information and funding package. If anyone hears anything or knows what to expect please let me know ?
  2. I did, yes! Automated mail from the Grad Admissions at 1:03AM PST to check like a secondary admissions portal, very odd but that's apparently how they always do it haha
  3. I would love to talk to you some more! I also got my acceptance late last night and am Losing It
  4. Hi! I have not been here, but I also received info for admission from the grad school to USC at 1am last night through the portal, no follow up info yet!
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