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Posts posted by redaxcx

  1. Hope everyone is ok.

    I'm preparing to apply this December and I had a few questions. I'm in comparative politics and interested in questions of elections, democracy, and party politics. As studying elections requires some democratic standards. Europe is considered the continent with the highest standards of democracy and I'm particularly interested in Western Europe (France). As I'm from a North African state, I have extensive research in projects related to MENA, and am fluent in Arabic and French.

    I started developing an affinity for electoral studies in North Africa, and a lot of the work being done at Princeton has blown my mind, from the Arab Barometer to the research on polarization, it is really fascinating. So I am wondering if a double regional interest is seen as "bad" during PhD applications. Even though I think my profile and research experience can hold itself when it comes to showing proof of knowledge of both regions.

    In addition, is there any comparative electoral studies research being done on comparing MENA and Western Europe? I know that comparisons are difficult due to democratic standards etc..., but I'd really be interested in studying the question more. I would be thankful if anyone could help guide me to any scholars/schools in this area. Or also just any schools/scholars studying MENA on an electoral basis.



  2. Hey,


    First of all, I wish you the best of luck with everything in the future. To answer your second question quickly, yes it is possible to apply for a US PhD after a European BSc but it would be very hard to get in, and/or you'd need a good strategy (RA positions almost every year/summer, perfect grades and a lot of advanced classes).


    Concerning which schools, my recommendations: your first choice should be Sciences Po (I think they're the best BA price-wise because you could even pay 0 if you're EU and your parents don't make enough), it also has exchange programs with schools in the US and if you can do a year at a top school that would help with PhDs in the US in the future. Otherwise, the University of Amsterdam is a good choice, as you have relatively low tuition for EU students. In Germany, Mannheim/Konstanz are a good choice, Switzerland ETHZ/UofZurich. Furthermore, you could also stay in Italy if you could get into one of the Scuolas (especially one of Scuola Normale Superior, Scuola Superior Sant'Anna) by passing the exams! They can place well + the prestige + the available funding and opportunities for RA/Summer Schools/International Opportunities.

  3. Hey, I wanted to revive the thread somewhat for the 2023 cohort. Do any of you previous students have any advice on how to negotiate for more funding?


    I received a 1/3 scholarship. I wouldn't be able to attend without at least a 2/3 offer. I don't know if this was the case the previous years, but on the portal, you're able to apply for the Dean's Scholarship (full tuition), as well as for "additional partial-tuition scholarships". Do you suggest also emailing the program director? 

    Would love to hear any success stories of anyone who managed to request more funding.

  4. 1 minute ago, feministintrainning said:

    Hi, I applied for CEU this year as well, 2-year gender studies MA and 1-year Public Policy MA. I thought they start interviewing in March so I'm a little bit worried as I have not heard any news from them. How was your interview?

    Hey, fingers crossed for you! First of all, it really depends on each program, and not all of them have interviews. Sometimes they start interviewing in March so I don't know. I had a friend last year who received his invite in early March for the same program, so it really depends, whereas I never received the interview invite and when I emailed them in April after being waitlisted, they mentioned that they sent out the invite but apparently I never received it. So I would suggest you email them in early march (by the 10th) just in case there was an issue with you receiving the email. 

    Concerning your question, it went really well and the person who interviewed me even said congratulations at the end haha. Feel free to message me if you have any questions! Hope you get some positive news soon!

  5. 10 minutes ago, anonymousvulture said:

    Yeah, you certainly have plenty of options. I think what you have to figure out until the application cycle is what approach do you want to focus on or what kind of electoral study you are interested in. So you can focus on electoral behaviour, electoral institutions, electoral regulation, or maybe something clientelism, machine politics and patronage; elections and corruption, electoral accountability, elections under authoritarianism etc. Also, would you like to do formal theory, more empirical work, historical oriented research? Best of all, if you are open to studying many of these aspects/methods and you can signal in your application that you know what you are talking about, you can taylor your statement of purpose accordingly and fit with schools/advisors covering more than one of those topics.

    I have applied this cycle, but not to study elections; I have been studying pre-electoral coordination in my Master's, and electoral politics is a topic I want to keep working on as a lateral research agenda, but it wasn't the focus of my application. I'm based in Latin America, but you can check for people who are studying Europe if you're interested. I think given the fact that your research topic is a big area inside political science (much bigger than, say, judicial politics), your list may be larger than average, but the method and area focus could trim it down a little bit (emphasis on could; I'm in Latin America, but I suspect there's more people studying Europe). I say that because, had I applied strictly to study elections, I think I would not have applied to UW-M, since their focus seems to be a lot stronger in american elections, but I would have applied to MIT, because they have danny hidalgo in addition to the folks from the elections lab that is also very american-centered. (I could be very wrong; would be great if someone more experienced than I gave an opinion here haha, but I think this kind of fine tuning may matter when crafting a list). Of course, time and money also count; you may have a huge list if you can manage it and pay for it lol. 


    Outside of the top 10, I've mentioned WashU already - they have Crisp, Tarvitts (might have mispelled her name) and others. Vanderbilt is a great place, at least for Latin America, but I suspect that it must be very good for other areas too. UNC-Chapel Hill is great because they have people studying multi-level politics and electoral politics, which could interest you (European Union etc); I'm not very familiar with Emory and Rochester, but if you are into formal theory you should check them out (I'd check Emory regardless); Urbana-Champaign has Gisela Sin, Matthew Winters, Brian Gaines, all of whom study or have studied elections; Stony Brook is great for political psychology, if you want to approach elections from that vantage point (I don't know if they have people studying elections specifically); Notre Dame has Schiumerini, who does cool stuff on Latin America, and other people; Brown has a bunch of people who could fit your interests too. Keep an eye on pittsburgh. Either way, you can certainly craft a list going from ultra competitive top 5 to less competitive - but no less competent - top 40 places that will train you very well, and hopefully you will get to choose between them. 


    Also, the places in Europe you mentioned are great, as far as I know. I would tell you to keep in mind that rankings and prestige matter. I don't care a lot for them, but you have to take it into account because the market cares about it. So Montreal is great and Blais is one of the greatest, but you will have a hard time in the US job market. If you don't care about the US job market (myself, I want to go to Europe after the phd, but that could change), go for it. I'm just telling you this because everyone told me it is easier to go to Europe with a phd from the US than the other way around, which is one of the reasons why I have applied to US, to keep my options open (but there were more important, academic-related resons too - I think their model of phd was better for me given my undergrad background, but that's a long story). Other than the places you mentioned, I personally like Unis like Oslo, Aarhaus, Amsterdam, on top of those you mentioned. 


    First of all, thank you for your thorough response! I haven't had the chance to talk with other candidates somewhat interested in elections in Comparative Politics, sometimes I feel like it's only political economy people in CP. Fair enough on the specializations, I'm interested in party politics and electoral systems, so that differently narrows it for me, although polarization is and interest for me as well. I'm defintely more on the formal theory side (currently in an MA in digital humanities and quantitative methods). 

    I see, really interesting topics and comments on how to choose faculty! It is kinda hard estimating how much time and effort applications would take from you in advance to applying, but I think I would take my time choosing a balanced list and selecting carefuly, kind of why I started already thinking of which schools etc...

    I have checked a lot of faculty on an individuel basis, but haven't yet checked out of the top 7 for now. I should certainly look at some of the people you mentioned. Yes UNC Chapel Hill is really good for European Politics (also the case for Pittsburgh and Washington). I also read that Emory and Rochester are good for formal theory as well so I will look into them! But I want to certainly look at some of the faculty you mentioned as well so thank you for the recommendations and for taking the time!

    Concerning your point on prestige and rankings, yes that is also what I have read on here and PSR. In Canada I would go with the top 3 (UofT, UBC, McGill) as well, I know Montreal is top 100 only but I think for Europe they would be a decent choice as a safety for me, and a lot better than a lot of option in Europe. I'm also considering the US because I want to come to Europe later on. I just feel like I would like to pass by the US at one point, and it is a lot easier as you said to do a PhD there and then go to Europe than the other way around. If I get into a top PhD in Europe then I wouldn't mind that much as even a Post-Doc in the US would satisfy my will for a sejour there. I also think for CP the training and methods in the US are a lot better than Europe. I'm in France currently and the CP research done here is a joke (except a very few group of scholars). Everything is political sociology here...

    Yes Oslo are good and an option for me as well. Aarhaus kinda only accept people that do their BA and MA there, and Amesterdam is a very good option for me as well. 

    Wishing you the best of luck with your applications! And would love to read your lessons in the lessons thread in a few months!
















  6. 16 hours ago, anonymousvulture said:

    Stanford has Gary Cox, the greatest in my humble opinion. UChicago had Andy Eggers, who I think is awesome. If you are American or want to study American elections, MIT has a cool elections lab, UW-Madison too. Duke has a bunch of people as well. If you wanna do historical oriented quantitative research UMich has some folks, Cornell hás Cirone and many other. Lower ranked, but also very good: Rice is kind of a boutique for representation, elections etc. Penn State has Matt and sona golder, more for comparative. Oh, WashU has awesome scholars on that too. That's just of the top of my Head, but I'm comparative. Lot of places I haven't looked into that should be great depending on geographic and specific interests you may have. Columbia, UMD (Ernesto calvo), UNC Chapel Hill, Princeton has Boix and Titiunik and others, should've mentioned earlier. There are many options for elections really. I think inside american politics, a field I'm not familiar with, I must be ommiting many great people and places 


    Hey, thanks for your comment! Yes Gary Cox is legendary, although I'm also wondering if by the time I start applying to PhDs (~two years) he'd still be taking people. I'm not American but the study of American elections is also of interest to me and I've followed MIT and UW-Madison Elections Research Center. I'm familiar of most of the scholars you've mentioned and it is reasurring that there are a lot of good options! I'm also in comparative and defintely more interested in the field from an international perspective. 


    I asked because everytime I checked the schools and scholars, I felt like I had a lot of options (I think Harvard and a bunch of the UCs are doing great work too) and how people on this site talk about 'fit' and how in theory that shouldn't be more than 5-7 schools, whereas I think that according to my criteria I could get a match with almost all departments in the top-20 in the US. Add to that I'm also applying in Europe (where I currently am) to places like EUI, LSE, Oxford, Zurich, Vienna is also doing good work and possibly to Canada (UMontreal has Blais & Dassonneville). So I was kind of thinking that I maybe misunderstood departments but glad to know that my assemesment was right.


    Are you also applying in elections? Best of luck if you're applying this cycle!

  7. 2 hours ago, qampus said:

    People, have we had any news from Northwestern U? My portal is just idle - and it has been looking the same since the day I clicked that "submit" button.

    I saw a few people were admitted a couple of weeks ago or so, but have we had any rejects?

    Hey, may I ask when you got the interview email and did the interview for CEU? I am asking because last year I never received the interview email (even though they said that they had emailed me) so I had to interview in April! I'm scared the same would happen this year ?

    What did the email include? Does it show anything on your portal?

  8. 21 hours ago, JoeyGrad said:

    Accepted in University of Toronto (International applicant from Spain). Still waiting for NYU decision (no news so far). My subfield is Comparative Politics.

    Congratulations! May I ask what your profile/stats are like? I would like to apply to UofT next year and also currently in Europe. I'm interested in knowing what they look for at European candidates.

  9. On 2/6/2023 at 7:23 PM, qampus said:

    1. I have applied for three one-year programs (PoliSci, IR, and Envir.)

    2. Straight out of undergrad, qualitative (which is terrible for PoliSci these days, but oh well), one co-authored paper, one conference paper, top-1 university in my country.

    And you? Which programs have you applied for and what are your stats?

    I only applied for the 1-year PoliSci. I got an admission last year for the 2-year program, but they screwed up my interview invite and I only got an interview after I emailed them and they had already given out all offers. The offer I got was not that good. 

    Either way I wouldn't have attended as I went to my 1st choice which is a Digital Humanities and Quantitative Methods master's at the top school in France. No papers but got RA roles at Sciences Po, Sorbonne, also just won a scholarship for a RA at University of Toronto this summer.

    Knowing their admissions I think you should certainly get in!

  10. Hey everyone, happy holidays! Would be interested in what you think, especially for Oxford. I know my undergrad GPA is low but I have great research positions and experience in getting funding, and I'm certain that I'll get great LORs.

    Schools / Programs: I only am looking at one-year programs, Oxford's MSc in Politics Research (top choice), University of Toronto's MA in Political Science, University of British Columbia MA in Political Science, Central European University MA Political Science, Trinity College Dublin MA in International Politics.

    Undergrad: One of the better universities in France, spent the last year at the University of Geneva. 

    Post-graduate: Digital Humanities master at France's top school. Very prestigious.

    Degrees: Undergrad bachelors in Social Science with a good amount of courses in PoliSci. Currently doing an MSc in Digital Humanities at France's most prestigious school.

    GPA: This is my negative imho, I have a 3.4/4.0. But in my current master's I'll end up with a 3.9/4.0.

    GRE: DId not take the GRE.

    Language Skills: Amazigh, Arabic, English and French all fluently.

    Work Experience: I am currently a research assistant at Sorbonne University and the National Institute for Art History. Just before this, I was a research assistant at Sciences Po. I interned at a think tank before (with somewhat big achievements) and worked at a polling institution. Going to SantAnna School of Advanced Studies during spring, then to University of Toronto for the summer, both for research internships.

    LOR: Thesis supervisor (Sciences Po), research position supervisor (Sorbonne Université), and a current professor (Ecole Normale Supérieure). All should be pretty solid.

    International Experience: Lived in like 8 countries. Interned and worked around the world.

    Quant Experience: Lots of R and Python and other stuff during my Digital Humanities master.

    SOP: Will write about my experiences doing research, my master's thesis subject and my interest in comparartive politics and personal life and how as a refugee it wasn't easy for me.

    Other: A bunch of decent scholarships (around 30k and this is Europe so they aren't concerning tuition fee), just won one of $12,000CAD from the Canadian government for a research internship at the University of Toronto.

  11. Hey everyone, happy holidays! Would be interested in what you think, especially for Oxford. I know my undergrad GPA is low but I have great research positions and experience in getting funding, and I'm certain that I'll get great LORs.

    Schools / Programs: I only am looking at one-year programs, Oxford's MSc in Politics Research (top choice), University of Toronto's MA in Political Science, University of British Columbia MA in Political Science, Central European University MA Political Science, Trinity College Dublin MA in International Politics.

    Undergrad: One of the better universities in France, spent the last year at the University of Geneva. 

    Post-graduate: Digital Humanities master at France's top school. Very prestigious.

    Degrees: Undergrad bachelors in Social Science with a good amount of courses in PoliSci. Currently doing an MSc in Digital Humanities at France's most prestigious school.

    GPA: This is my negative imho, I have a 3.4/4.0. But in my current master's I'll end up with a 3.9/4.0.

    GRE: DId not take the GRE.

    Language Skills: Amazigh, Arabic, English and French all fluently.

    Work Experience: I am currently a research assistant at Sorbonne University and the National Institute for Art History. Just before this, I was a research assistant at Sciences Po. I interned at a think tank before (with somewhat big achievements) and worked at a polling institution. Going to SantAnna School of Advanced Studies during spring, then to University of Toronto for the summer, both for research internships.

    LOR: Thesis supervisor (Sciences Po), research position supervisor (Sorbonne Université), and a current professor (Ecole Normale Supérieure). All should be pretty solid.

    International Experience: Lived in like 8 countries. Interned and worked around the world.

    Quant Experience: Lots of R and Python and other stuff during my Digital Humanities master.

    SOP: Will write about my experiences doing research, my master's thesis subject and my interest in comparartive politics and personal life and how as a refugee it wasn't easy for me.

    Other: A bunch of decent scholarships (around 30k and this is Europe so they aren't concerning tuition fee), just won one of $12,000CAD from the Canadian government for a research internship at the University of Toronto.

  12. Hey everyone, happy holidays! Would be interested in what you think, especially for Oxford. I know my undergrad GPA is low but I have great research positions and experience in getting funding, and I'm certain that I'll get great LORs.

    Schools / Programs: I only am looking at one-year programs, Oxford's MSc in Politics Research (top choice), University of Toronto's MA in Political Science, University of British Columbia MA in Political Science, Central European University MA Political Science, Trinity College Dublin MA in International Politics.

    Undergrad: One of the better universities in France, spent the last year at the University of Geneva. 

    Post-graduate: Digital Humanities master at France's top school. Very prestigious.

    Degrees: Undergrad bachelors in Social Science with a good amount of courses in PoliSci. Currently doing an MSc in Digital Humanities at France's most prestigious school.

    GPA: This is my negative imho, I have a 3.4/4.0. But in my current master's I'll end up with a 3.9/4.0.

    GRE: DId not take the GRE.

    Language Skills: Amazigh, Arabic, English and French all fluently.

    Work Experience: I am currently a research assistant at Sorbonne University and the National Institute for Art History. Just before this, I was a research assistant at Sciences Po. I interned at a think tank before (with somewhat big achievements) and worked at a polling institution. Going to SantAnna School of Advanced Studies during spring, then to University of Toronto for the summer, both for research internships.

    LOR: Thesis supervisor (Sciences Po), research position supervisor (Sorbonne Université), and a current professor (Ecole Normale Supérieure). All should be pretty solid.

    International Experience: Lived in like 8 countries. Interned and worked around the world.

    Quant Experience: Lots of R and Python and other stuff during my Digital Humanities master.

    SOP: Will write about my experiences doing research, my master's thesis subject and my interest in comparartive politics and personal life and how as a refugee it wasn't easy for me.

    Other: A bunch of decent scholarships (around 30k and this is Europe so they aren't concerning tuition fee), just won one of $12,000CAD from the Canadian government for a research internship at the University of Toronto.

  13. Hello Everyone! I thought to make a discussion forum just like last year where prospective students mentioned their offers and whether they got accepted or not. Personally I applied for the 2-Year MA in Political Science. I was informed two days ago on the 29th that I have been waitlisted. Anyone else has been waitlisted and then admitted? To those who have been accepted already, what type of funding offers have you received?


    Best of luck to everyone!

  14. Hey! I made a forum to discuss the waitlist this year. Personally I applied to the 2-Year MA in Political Science and got wait-listed. I'm hoping to get an offer soon. I was informed today March 29th. Do any previous students have any info on the waitlist and what the chances are? Especially if you're in the MA of PoliSci I'd be interested to hear what you know!


    I'll update with a comment if I hear from them soon.

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