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  1. Hello! I've emailed in all my forms, but not heard a confirmation from them. I emailed my forms in around a week ago. Has anyone received a confirmation of their acceptance or receipt of their instalment form? I've sen quite a few emails to SSHRC, and they've never responded....
  2. Interesting. I still haven't heard back from them; I sent a second email today. Where did you find the request for installment form? I can't seem to find that anywhere. So, it looks like we will receive the doctoral fellowship? Also what email did you send your questions to?
  3. When I work up the energy to send an email to SSHRC tomorrow, I'm going to mention how rude it is to do this. I was chatting with a friend who's done a ton of SSHRC adjudicating today, and they said that they give CGS to the top people to try to convince them to come back to a Canadian institution. Technically, I think, we might be able to shop around, say we have funding and switch to a Canadian school (I'd never do this though, love my program!).
  4. Glad to hear there's a few of us in the same boat! I just looked at that final PDF that SSHRC generates to make sure that I mentioned I was at a US school (which I did, almost too many times, haha). Hopefully, we can all sort this out and will at least get some money... Please let me know if you hear anything from SSHRC!
  5. Ok. I'm so glad to hear others are in the same boat. Please keep in contact if you get a response. I've been flying all day for a conference and don't have the energy to send an email to SSHRC--but I will in the morning. This means you'll probably hear back before me, so I'd love to know what they say. Congrats on CGS! Hopefully, everything sorts itself out for all of us
  6. Hello all. I was pretty happy to find out I received an CGS-D; however, I am a second year PhD student at a US school. I shouldn't be eligible for this award: as it can only be held by someone at a Canadian university? I think that they might just award CGS to the top applicants (I scored 6/120 and about 11.4/12). I want to see if anyone else is in this boat? And if anyone knows what I should do? I made it very clear that I was at a US institution when I applied--I've been reviewing my application and it has my US university name all over it. Should I contact SSHRC? Or do you think they will catch their mistake when I accept the offer.... Thanks!
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