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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Well looks like a 0/10 kind of year, irvine cmb has sent out recruiting event info already so guess everyone else is on a waitlist
  2. Well looks like that's it for me, 1 interview from UCI and radio silence/rejections from all the other schools
  3. Someone on reddit that got an interview said there was a internal deadline to respond by 12/20 to which dates they were available for upenn igg. Guess that means everything is out unless they do another batch
  4. All harvard immuno results are sent out according to program coordinator, expect rejections in March
  5. Anyone know if harvard immunology has sent out all the invites yet?
  6. Just got one from UCI for CMB, 1st interview!
  7. Looking at previous years it seems it doesn't really get busy until late November when everyone's apps are submitted
  8. Applying to Biomedical science umbrella programs or immunology programs with a focus in immunotherapies. UCSD BS/MS Biology Undergrad GPA: 3.3 MS GPA: 3.9 around 3 years of full time experience accounting for part time research (3 years part time, 1.5 years full time in industry) Mid author in Nature Biomedical Engineering Related patent from paper Applying to (11/11): Harvard Immunology UPenn IGG MD Anderson Stanford Biosciences Icahn Mt Sinai UCSD Biomedical Sciences UCLA UCI UT Southwestern UPitt Baylor
  9. Also applying from industry after seeing that director levels pretty much all have PhDs, and I don't plan on going into business development or manufacturing where a PhD is not as much of a necessity. Undergrad & MS Institution: UCSD Major(s): Biochemistry/Cell Biology Overall Undergrad GPA: 3.3 Overall MS GPA: 3.976 Type of Student: Chinese American, male GRE Scores: none Research Experience: 3 years academia experience (undergrad +masters in the same lab) working on cell therapies (mostly growing cells, doing transfections/generating plasmids, genotyping mouse colony, flow cytometry) ~1.5 years industry experience (multicolor flow, working with human blood, characterizing PBMCs, in vitro toxicity development, elementary familiarity with HPLCs/LCMS, assay development for new projects Publications/Posters: middle author in high impact factor journal, along with co-author on patent related to the paper Awards/Honors/Recognitions: / LoRs: My undergrad/MS PI, MS post doc mentor (who is now a PI), and my current manager Applying to Where: Mostly looking at institutions that work closely with cancer hospitals/cancer therapies as well as industry professionals, since I intend to go back into industry after graduating. Not sure if it would be a reach to apply to T30 programs with this profile (MD Anderson, Stanford, MIT)
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