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  1. I got this,..
  2. I got this,...
  3. I might have some basic misconceptions here, but hopefully what I'm saying makes sense. So one of the ways proposed to have gravity in space is the rotating wheel space station. Thanks to centripetal force, occupants could feel acceleration on the inside of the rim of the wheel. But it also seems like something can only be moving relative to something else. From the frame of reference within the space station itself, the wheel is standing still, and everything else is moving around it. But suppose that the wheel was the only physical thing in existence. There is nothing it is rotating relative to. Wouldn't the people in the station still feel the acceleration of "gravity" though? I've heard that Newton fixed this issue with the idea of absolute space, that the wheel would still be accelerating according to some objective points in space, even if there are no objects it accelerates relative to. But I've also heard that Einstein's relativity did away with the idea of absolute space. So how is this problem solved?
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