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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Hey everyone, I got waitlisted by a T-10 stats PhD program (where I'm extremely interested in the work they do). I got a standard waitlist email saying they believe I'd be a strong match and are placing me on a waitlist (said they'll have an update for me by the first week of April). Should I reach out expressing my continued interest or is it best to just let it be and wait for them to get back to me with a decision? I fortunately have other options, so this isn't the be-all and end-all for me, but it is one of my top choices and I would absolutely love to go to there.
  2. I heard back from two schools so far (I applied to PhD programs in Biostatistics/Mathematical Biology/Quant Bio/Statistics). UNC--CH (Biostats PhD) directly sent an offer of admission on 12/22--they are yet to give me an update on funding though. Dartmouth (Quantitative Biomedical Sciences PhD) sent an interview invite on 12/16--the interviews are tentatively mid to late Jan. From looking at the results board, I think JHU has only sent out rejections so far, I don't see any interview invites? Their confirmation email said we should expect to hear back from them around mid-Jan.
  3. Hey everyone! Got my first admit for this cycle to UNC's Biostat PhD program. However, the offer letter doesn't talk about any funding. In fact, from my understanding, it seems like they are the only T-10 school to not guarantee funding to incoming PhD students. I'm a domestic student (US Citizen), however, I'm not an NC resident. So, I wanted to ask, from the most recent cycles, are there any cases of unfunded students? And what are my chances of getting funded as a domestic non-NC resident applicant?
  4. A paper that I mentioned in my CV as in-progress/pending submission has now been put on arXiv, and has been submitted to a journal. Is it worth sending an update to the schools I've applied to so far regarding that? For context, I'm applying to Biostats PhD programs.
  5. Undergrad Institution: R2 Institution (> #50 US News Rankings) Majors: Applied Mathematics and International Studies (Dual Degree) GPA: 3.84/4.0 (CGPA); 3.91/4.0 (Applied Mathematics); 3.84/4.0 (International Studies) Type of Student: Domestic Asian Male GRE General Test: Not taking it (eliminated as a requirement in most programs) GRE Subject Test: Not taking it Program Applying: Biostatistics PhDCourses:Measure Theory (A-), Point-Set Topology (A), Real Analysis (A-), Stochastic Modeling (A), Advanced Linear Algebra (A), Complex Analysis (A), Probability (B), Mathematical Statistics (A), Multivariate Calculus (A), Differential Equations (A), Statistical Machine Learning (A), Regression (A), and Statistical Programming in R (A-). Research Experience: Machine learning for political science (2 years) Statistical genetics and genomics lab (5 months) 2 x National security projects (Qualitative; 8 months and 1 year) Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Departmental honors in both majors, honors thesis, magna cum laude, academic excellence award in international studies, research fellowship ($3,000), and academic merit scholarship ($24,000) Pertinent Activities or Jobs: DoD Internships x 2 (one qualitative other data science) Currently working in economic consulting, mostly biomedical IP cases (graduated may 2022) Letters of Recommendation: ML for political science research supervisor Genomics lab supervisor Professor I took calc III, diff eq, advanced linear algebra, and stochastic processes with Programs Applying: Mostly T20 schools. I know there is a very strong chance of getting rejected everywhere (given how insanely competitive the T20 programs have gotten). But, I'm very keen on going into academia and I worry that a > T20 school would not be feasible for that goal. I am also ok with continuing my job for another year and taking another shot. Hence, the risky decision to only do T20. Concerns: I'm generally happy with where I stand, except: B in Probability (made up with an A in math stat, but still...) A- in Real Analysis and Measure Theory And the math department of my alma mater is pretty much unranked (the professors are super accomplished though)
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