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  1. Feeling this hard with UVA and Rutgers… and for me the 2/2 load would be a deal-breaker! That’s a whole lot of teaching and I don’t think the couple thousand they’re paying you is going to cover that plus your mental health.
  2. Ahh, thank you! I wasn’t expecting an acceptance either, but I like to know what my options are before making a decision. it’s a bit frustrating that the rejections take so long to make their way to us.
  3. For those who've heard back from Rutgers, did your portal status ever change? Mine is still on application submitted but not under review, and I'm worried that it's been flagged somehow (because I didn't submit a TOEFL score, even though I should have been waived) and is never actually reviewed.
  4. Same here. I’m going to assume rejection though. Probably taking them some time to reject people one by one ?
  5. With Rutgers sending out acceptances today and me not getting one, it looks like this is it for me this cycle! I’m glad that it’s over and I no longer have to obsess over the results page and my inbox. It’s happened faster than I thought it would even though at times it was excruciatingly slow. I’ve gotten some good offers. Now to do some more research and try to make an informed decision. For those of you still waiting to hear back from programs, good luck! I’m crossing all my crossables for you. ?
  6. Same here, but judging from previous years they have a pretty long waitlist. Hope we're on it!
  7. Best of luck to you too! This is my mentor’s alma mater and they have an excellent 19c program so I’m excited. Not sure if we’re in the same field but I hope there is movement for you!!
  8. I got my offer letter this morning, and in it it mentions a waitlist, so it’s possible that you’re on it! Best of luck!
  9. I'm in 19th C British lit! Good luck to us; I can't believe we still haven't heard back. I swear, this year's decisions are coming in at later times. I'm still waiting on a school that last year had their decisions out in January...
  10. I think those of us who didn’t get an interview already assumed the worst, so there’s no need to feel bad. I don’t understand why he didn’t know what to say— the right thing to do is to say no and not string people along. I wish more schools are more transparent with their admission process. It really isn’t that hard. If rejections are not personal, there’s no reason to not just come out and say it the way it is. ?‍♀️
  11. Thank you, and it can't hurt to reach out and confirm at this point. From the email I got, it sounds like they're made the decisions that needed to be made, so you should have heard back already.
  12. I got waitlisted at the BC English PhD program so I know for sure offers have been sent out for them. Is this the program you're waiting to hear back from?
  13. So I just realized I didn't actually apply to Duke's literature program. That one sent out interviews and admissions and rejects today. I applied to the English program... ? Why do they need two, I have no idea.
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