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  1. I just want to chip in because I’m from Pennsylvania and I absolutely adore philly overall. There is an amazing artist community there with a ton of artist run gallery spaces and it’s actually affordable to live in. Any city you consider moving to will have crime, anywhere you go. But I think Philly is a great place to find a supportive artist community if you are in search of one.
  2. Hey!!! Congratulations! That’s great news, I also got an identical package offer, 40% on top of the 50%, I bet you can negotiate it though especially if you have other offers that compare! This was actually my best offer haha so I’m going to try and negotiate but it might be difficult. Feel free to message me though if you have updates or want to talk more about the program
  3. I just got accepted to Boston University for painting today!!! A little surprised but excited, I'm still waiting to hear back from some other programs though, but this was my first acceptance so far and it feels good. I am ready for this process to be over though 😭 Stay strong everyone!!!
  4. Hey congrats! I am wondering when you heard back from mica?
  5. Same here!! Best of luck
  6. ?? that's amazing!! The more the merrier
  7. Yes I think so too! And I feel you I am applying to six programs, and I feel overwhelmed, I can't imagine 8! But It's good to keep your options open!! Best of luck to you too, I hope we all get in to our top choices as well
  8. Hey no worries I appreciate the response! Thank you, I applied to usc last year and was accepted but I didn’t connect with the staff very well and there was absolutely no funding and also not a guarantee I would able to TA at all. It seemed unlikely. I went to ucla for undergrad but was a transfer student and I was only there three semesters in person because of Covid so that’s probably why I never really learned much about documentation haha so I feel a little clueless. Anyway yes I am going to probably invest in good photos and make sure my portfolio is professional. I had a feeling and I think it’s probably to be better safe than sorry. Hopefully I won’t have to apply a third year !!
  9. Hey everyone, this is my second year applying... I got in to a program last year but decided it wasn't the right fit. last year I only applied to two programs and all of my painting photos were cropped (not pictured hanging on white wall) Even though I got into a program with a portfolio like that, I am wondering if it would be more beneficial for all of my paintings to be shot on a white wall with the edge of the canvas showing even if the schools website and portfolio instructions do not specifically ask for that. I have been having a difficult time attending a lot of the open grad houses because of my work schedule so thought I would come here for some clarification. Unfortunately I think this is something I should have learned more about in undergrad but here we are. Thanks for any feedback.
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