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Everything posted by Hesed2023

  1. I was accepted as a full-time(3-year) program at Aberdeen. I switched my job to a part-time. Then, since Aberdeen is also a distance learning program, does that mean my competitiveness for a faculty position would end up in the trash can because it's an online PhD? Should I quit my job and go study on campus full-time instead?
  2. Hi, I am an international student and of Asian descent, currently residing in the United States, but I am not a U.S. citizen. I completed my undergraduate studies in theology in South Korea and then earned an MDiv from a seminary in the United States. I am currently serving as a pastor here in the U.S. Starting in September, I am scheduled to begin a PhD program in Systematic Theology at the University of Aberdeen. I was looking for a distance learning option that would allow me to continue working at my church, and that’s how I found out about Aberdeen, where I will be under the supervision of Dr. Paul T. Nimmo. However, very recently, through a friend’s introduction, I learned about Columbia International University (CIU) in South Carolina, USA. I discovered that CIU offers a fully distance-learning PhD in Theological Studies. This university is the first ATS-accredited school to adopt a European-style module, which means the PhD program can be completed in as little as three years. Moreover, the most significant factor is the cost: Aberdeen’s annual tuition is $30,000, amounting to approximately $90,000 over three years, whereas CIU’s total cost over three years is about $26,000. This makes CIU more than three times cheaper. I applied to CIU in a hurry and was fortunately accepted, so now I have an acceptance letter from CIU as well. However, I’m unsure of what to do. Aberdeen and its faculty are quite renowned in the field of theology, but I had never heard of CIU before, and it seems to lack recognition and prestige. I might be wrong, but I’m not sure. My ultimate goal is to become a theology professor in the U.S. or Korea in the future. I would greatly appreciate any advice you can give me on which university would be better for my PhD. Any guidance you could provide would be greatly appreciated!
  3. I was not admitted, but mine also says that I was recommended by the Department of Religious Studies for admission. I'm confused too..
  4. Not heard anything from Harvard yet.
  5. It hurts. You got accepted to anywhere? I really hope to be able to start my PhD this fall..
  6. Got rejected from Vanderbilt today. ..
  7. I emailed my potential supervisor and the professor told me that the decisions will come out in the end of the month and interview is not an essential part for admission.
  8. Thank you! I know that Princeton will announce in the end of this month. Nor sure about UVA and Harvard.
  9. Congratulations..! At least you are guaranteed to start your doctoral studies this year!.. I only have 3 more school left which are Harvard, UVA and Princeton. Im just hoping to hear good news from one of the three..
  10. Got an email from Yale to check the portal. Rejected..
  11. Does anyone know anything about UVA? When will they release the result?
  12. How did you hear the result? Via email? Checked on the portal? May I also ask what subfield at Yale?
  13. I checked with my POI and he said Vanderbilt already have sent out all the interview invites last week and I did not receive any.
  14. Yes! I'm still waiting for UVA, Princeton, Harvard, Yale. What about you?
  15. Received rejection letter from both PTS and Cambridge today.. It hurts..
  16. Does anyone know around when do UVA, Vanderbilt, Princeton release their admission results for PhD applicants?
  17. When is the actual interview date? Hope I can receive an interview invitation soon too lol..
  18. Congratulations! I also applied to Princeton for Philosophy and Religion subfield.. When did you receive the invitation for interview?
  19. I also applied to PTS but haven't got any interview invitation. Congratulations!..:)
  20. Haven't received any interview yet..
  21. I applied Cambridge, Yale, Harvard, UVA, Vanderbilt, PTS, Princeton but haven't received anything yet!.
  22. Hi, I'm applying to 1) Cambridge 2) Duke 3) Princeton Theological Seminary 4) Vanderbilt 5) Princeton University 6) Yale 7) Boston University 😎 Baylor 9) University of Virginia 10) Harvard Hope I would get it at least one of these schools..
  23. Hello, I'm an ordained pastor, my nationality is South Korea but I'm currently working in US as a pastor. I've earned my BA in Theology(GPA 4.35/4.0) from a university in South Korea, and my MDiv degree from Andrews Theological Seminary(GPA 3.9/4.0). I have several leadership experience. I took both Greek and Hebrew classes up to intermediate level. I'm applying for PhD programs in systematic theology. the problem is I have no formal research experience. What are my chances for the PhD programs at the following schools(or you can suggest any other school)? What schools would be realistic for me to be admitted? I want to give up on schools that is not a realistic at all for me.. Any advice on this would be appreciated. Thank you in advance! Uk: -Cambridge -Aberdeen -Edinburgh USA: -Yale -Princeton Theological Seminary -Duke -U Chicago -Emory -UC Berkeley (GTU) -Boston University -Vanderbilt -Stanford -Georgetown -Johns Hopkins -Fordham -Baylor -Columbia -UVA -Brown -UPenn
  24. Hello, I got an offer from both University of Edinburgh and University Aberdeen for PhD in Systematic Theology. If I choose Edinburgh, I will get supervision under Dr. David Grumett. If I choose Aberdeen, I will get supervision under Dr. Paul T. Nimmo. both of them showed strong interest about my research proposal. my future goal is to get a teaching job in Academia. which school should I choose?
  25. Applied: YDS STM, HDS MTS Admitted: Waitlisted: Denied:
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