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Everything posted by ocular.espresso

  1. Generally you don't want to have to take loans and pay for your graduate degree out of pocket. Also, a lot of times in anthropology having an MA doesn't actually save you that much time and you end up having to repeat portions of it when you do your PhD. There are definelty some masters programs out there with some capacity of funding. If your discipline switch is holding you back I'd look into something like that as opposed to having to pay fully out of pocket for Yale.
  2. I got an email about it too! I didn't realize it would be that much later but at least there's a timeline now!
  3. I applied for the archaeological track.
  4. I got the official funding offer from the anthro department on Thursday. The official university acceptance was in my portal last Wednesday though.
  5. UMass Boston has a super solid program... especially if you're into historical arch. It's partially funded too. North Dakota State University has a masters program with some super cool professors. I believe it is fully funded as well. Going abroad and doing a Masters in Europe is always an option too, although it's definelty not the same as a US based masters. Depending on what you want to do that may be totally fine. It won't necessarily save you time if you go back and do your Ph.D, but it would demonstrate research abilities.
  6. Have you heard from the anthro department about funding yet? My POI emailed me about my acceptance and said I would get the official university notification and funding info soon. I got the university acceptance but it's been a few weeks and I haven't heard anything else from the department yet.
  7. Oh sweet! Thanks so much, I was wondering what the time line was!
  8. I got a weird email about setting up my MyUGA account that I will use for the duration of my email. Logged into the portal to see if there was any new info, and found the official acceptance letter from the university. Haven't heard any specific funding info yet (other than fully funded from the POI/interview).
  9. I received a rejection from Berkeley yesterday. Accepted at University of Georgia today though!
  10. Got an informal acceptance from UC Santa Barbara today!! So excited!
  11. Yeah that's what I was told during my interview too!
  12. I applied to UCSB, University of Illinois at Chicago, Washington University, UCB, and University of Georgia. I interviewed at UGA for archaeology last week too. I'm not sure if they sent out all the interview invites already, but they did mention having another couple weeks of interviews before reaching final decisions.
  13. I applied to U-Mich last year and I'm not actually sure they interview anyone? I ended up straight on the waitlist sans interview. I was archaeology if that helps.
  14. I heard back from NYU with a rejection beginning of last week (I applied for the archaeology track though). Didn't apply to Berkley though so I can't help you there.
  15. I'm also wait listed! The wait list was described as "short" but other than that no other info. I think we just have to cross our fingers and hope for the best at this point haha.
  16. I just got rejected from UNC too!
  17. For NYU do you guys know if there are four spots total for anthropology? Or just for sociocultural?
  18. I’m zooarch! Specifically looking to study status/inequality.
  19. Awesome!! Best of luck! Did you apply to anthro or the cotsen institute? Also any idea if they interview? I haven’t gotten a straight answer from previous years’ posts.
  20. I applied to NYU too! Also University of Michigan, Boston University, UNC, UCLA, and Harvard all for arch.
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