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  1. Hey everyone! I'm torn between two options and I would really appreciate it if you could help me out: School 1 I got accepted to this school. Funding is meh. It's a state school in the top 50. I'm pretty sure that I will have a good rapport with my advisors and they're big names in my subfield. It was my safety school, not a top choice. School 2 I'm on the priority waitlist. Funding is way better. It's an Ivy. It's been my dream school ever since I decided to go into academia. I learned that I didn't get in because the committee did not favor my subfield this cycle even though 3 profs advocated for me and were excited about my project. I have a friend who goes to this school and another who's at a one hour distance. I'm an international student and don't know anyone in the US, so having friends nearby is really important for me. Everyone I spoke to says that I should take the offer of School 1 but I'm seriously considering reapplying if I don't get off the waitlist at School 2. I feel like I will regret it if I go to School 1.
  2. Hey everyone! Do you know if there are two separate waitlists at Georgetown - one regular and one "priority"?
  3. Hey! Sorry to be double posting but are there any Cornell admits here? Are you planning on taking the offer?
  4. Hey everyone! How long does it usually take for schools to secure funding for students nominated for admission by the AdCom?
  5. Hey Cornell admits! Did you receive your official letters of acceptance?
  6. Hey everyone! I got waitlisted at Georgetown. Do you know how long the waiting game usually takes? I'm hoping not to wait until April 15 lol
  7. Your attitude almost makes me feel glad I didn’t end up at the Ivies lol
  8. How do you know I’m not admitted anywhere? I got two acceptances. Besides, not all of us are applying from “New Haven”. I’m applying from the Middle East where only a fraction of people can guide me through my applications at my home institution. And the advice I’ve received from the POIs is not the only reason applicants should reach out. There are hundreds of applications for 10-15 spots and if the professors reviewing these applications know your name, how could that not help?
  9. I don't think outright rejecting the practice of reaching out to POIs is a good idea. In my case, certainly not all POIs encouraged me to apply. However, all of those who did encourage me told me to reach out to multiple faculty members to increase my chances. They gave tips on who to reach out to and how to frame my project in my SOP. They introduced me to their current graduate students who helped me in ways I could not even dream of. I'm certainly aware that communicating with faculty beforehand does not guarantee admission but I don't think it's a "waste of time".
  10. Oh I see. I got rejected from Yale, Stanford and Princeton so far but this one hurt the most. My POI gave me the impression that I had a very high chance of getting in. It is what it is I guess. Good luck to everyone who got in and I wish you get off the waitlist if Northwestern is your top choice. If not, I hope you get in to your top choice!
  11. Do you think that means all of the acceptances and waitlist decisions have been sent out?
  12. Hi everyone! Did anyone hear anything from Northwestern?
  13. Screaming, crying, throwing up over the possibility that Northwestern decisions might be out. Can the poster please share more info?
  14. I was emailed by my POI who asked for my MA thesis saying that the AdCom had requested it. This was on 20 January. Haven’t heard a thing ever since.
  15. Has anyone heard back from Northwestern?
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