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About greenlandsharki

  • Birthday 12/22/2000

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  • Program
    History PhD

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  1. Well, it has been a year. I am halfway through my MA, and now I have to start applying once again for PhD programs this time. But of course, first, we must email all our potential advisors. I had the worst email format last time and refuse to reuse it, so does anyone have a good template they use?
  2. I heard news from Syracuse last Friday that I was accepted off the waitlist. This is thrilling news as I was certain I was going to be denied and it was the only funded program I applied to. This has been quite a journey, I'll see you all again in two years when I start applying to PhD programs. Good luck everyone with all future endeavors!
  3. Just heard from Syracuse that I was waitlisted. I was sure that I was going to be rejected because Rochester rejected me so this was amazing news. I hear back on April 15th to know if I got accepted or not. This is my top school and it is fully funded I need this program. Dr. Branson is also an amazing historian of gender and women studies in the colonial period. Ugh, should I not get my hopes up? Is it rude to ask what my spot is on the waitlist?
  4. I emailed Maryland yesterday looking for an update on my application status. Was told this morning I was rejected. Frustrating knowing I'd been waiting so long and they seemed to have the answer already. Still waiting on one more school but I'm pretty sure I'm not gonna get in.
  5. I am still waiting on two schools. It has been over two months at this point. My profs keep telling me I'm on an invisible waitlist and I don't know if that is better or worse than a visible one. I'm so frustrated by the lack of an answer. How is everyone else's wait going?
  6. I did it, everyone. I got my first decision and thankfully it was an acceptance. I can actually stop stressing about grad school as no matter what the other schools say I am getting my Masters. Binghamton was not my first choice, but it was one of my choices so I am very happy. I wish you all the best and hope everyone else who is still waiting hears soon.
  7. I am still waiting to hear back from all the schools I applied to. The process is nerve-racking. I can not be on my computer without checking every portal and looking through the decisions page on gradcafe. I honestly struggle to get assignments done because every time I am on my laptop I find myself staring at my email. I am also waiting to hear back about a fellowship and an essay contest I entered which does not help my obsession with my email. For people in their masters or who completed their masters, when did you guys hear back? One of the schools I also rolling admissions but I have not heard from them yet and it has been like a month. Am I just being impatient?
  8. When is it appropriate to email a graduate program to ask for an update on the status of your application? I submitted one application on January 1st, one on January 13th, and two on January 15th, and have heard nothing from any of them. I can not live with this stress.
  9. I am happy to hear I am not alone, however a little scared to hear that I am most likely going to be doing the same thing when I apply to PhD programs in two years lmao
  10. I know with my friend who applied for a PhD at NYU that she received an extremely personalized email from her POI when moving on to the interview process. Emails like those take longer to send out in comparison to automated decisions. Keep your hopes up.
  11. A friend of mine studying science recently received a decision from the UMD for a master's degree. How long does it usually take for MA decisions to come out? I literally can not be on my laptop without constantly refreshing all my application portals waiting to see if anything changes. It is so stressful and unhealthy given the fact I should be working on my honors thesis lmao.
  12. I recently applied to MA programs in history at the University of Rochester, University of Maryland, Syracuse University, and Binghamton University. I began undergrad as a science major and switched to history in my 3rd year, but those first two years have negatively impacted my gpa. Has anyone figured out how to understand where you stand in regard to your possibility to get into a school? I felt with undergrad I knew exactly which schools were reach and safety, but with grad I have no idea. Note: Also how do you guys have those fancy little things under your posts that say where you applied and what your results were? I tried making it by putting it in my "About Me" section but it did not show up.
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