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Everything posted by c_eddy

  1. Just got the waitlist email from WVU for poetry
  2. Can anyone on Draft see if there are WVU poetry acceptances posted? Would appreciate it lol.
  3. Any chance anybody's seen anything for Miami U (Ohio) in Draft, or heard back yourself? (Poetry) They started readings in early December ... feels like bad news if it's taking this long to hear back.
  4. Anyone else here apply to WVU for poetry? If so, hear anything yet?
  5. Just got into Bowling Green ! At a loss for words.
  6. Do you know which concentration the Miami U acceptance was in ?
  7. Sending positive vibes everyone's way. Even replying to as****** like the one above gives them some weirdo validation. If people ignore him I'm sure he'll just keep talking to himself or make another account so that at least someone notices him lol Enjoy your Thursday everybody ?
  8. OSU Decision was in on my applicant portal - Denied. Not surprised or anything just wanted to post in case others status may have also updated!
  9. Anyone heard back from Ohio State yet? Acceptances? Rejections?
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