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Everything posted by d.arren

  1. Yeah no problem! You never know really--it's possible they will reach out closer to April 15th. Best of luck!
  2. Hi, so once they sent me that first email I sent back that I was still highly interested, and they never sent anything else. I eventually reached out to them April 4th saying that I chose another program.
  3. Hi everyone, was a pleasure to have some community during this time period, and wishing everyone the best for those who are going to be enrolling in the fall and those who are going to apply again next year. I'm gonna provide a detailed list of my final results for anyone who is curious. I am happy to be attending U Michigan after negotiating some extra funding and learning about other funding opportunities once I'm there to hopefully be able to finish the degree debt-free. Northwestern - rejected 2/6 UT Austin photo - rejected 2/23 UCSD - interview 1/28, rejected 3/7 UCLA photo - rejected 3/9 U Arizona photo/video/imaging - interview 2/3, waitlisted 2/24 (mentioned in interview: 10k/year stipend, insurance, but ~1k/year in course fees; idk how many hours of work, but there is the possibility of doubling the work for 20k/year) Carnegie Mellon - interview 2/25, waitlisted 3/15 (was contacted about being taken off waitlist, but they only offer 75% or full tuition remission with no stipend despite ~7hrs/week TA work, so I declined) U Michigan - interview 2/22, accepted 2/28 (75% tuition remission, extra scholarship, 9k/year stipend for 7.5 hrs/week of work, insurance, project funding, other discretionary funds) Wash U in St Louis - interview 2/21, accepted 3/6 (75% tuition remission, 4k/year stipend) VCU photo and film - interview 3/6 , accepted 3/14 (full tuition remission, 10.5k/year stipend for 12 hrs/week of work, but have to pay 6k/year in course fees)
  4. Really sorry about the anxiety that's causing. Have you still not gotten a response?
  5. I did an interview with UCSD and also got the portal update that I was rejected. Was definitely a bit disappointed as I felt the interview went well and that the program was a good fit for me, but what can you do. Hoping this means either an acceptance or at least waitlist for you though!
  6. Was a bit surprised it came this late, but just got an interview invite for VCU's photo/film concentration. I think I saw either here or on last year's forum that the stipend for VCU is 10k per year, but is anyone able to confirm that?
  7. Well congratulations on the acceptance, but I understand that's a really unfortunate situation and would be annoyed if I was in your position as well. Hoping for an acceptance for you at somewhere else with full funding!
  8. Yeah, so on the website it says 75% but it seems like full coverage might still be possible. I remember someone on here saying that last year they got full tuition remission and I'm assuming a better stipend than the one I was offered as well. I still need to figure out a few things and maybe talk to some current students to see whether it's the right fit for me, but there might be room for negotiation still. You're right though, it can be a pain keeping track of this all, and though I know it's a fortunate position to get this much funding even, I just can't do anything that's not going to be full remission and a somewhat livable stipend.
  9. Thanks so much! And it's University of Michigan.
  10. Got accepted to UM, and while it feels nice to have a first official acceptance come in, I feel a bit dumb because I thought they had full tuition remission and turns out it was 75% all along haha.
  11. Just updating that I got waitlisted at U Arizona for photo/video/imaging a few days ago. The wording of the email is a bit odd because they don't technically use the word waitlist and instead say that they are still making decisions about the best mix for the cohort and are highly interested in me but cannot yet guarantee a spot. They also said they'd be happy to hear updates about what I think about the school, which I guess is them gauging who may be accepting other schools. I have what I am expecting to be my final interview tomorrow with UCSD and then will just be waiting to hear back from them, WashU, UM, and CMU. Relieved to hopefully have the stress of interviews behind me but a bit nervous about what's to come lol.
  12. Yeah, that's an odd question and there was definitely something off with the way they do these intentionally last-minute interview requests. But I think you have a good attitude with wanting to learn from it, and you never know what the outcome might be! Also my first round applying for MFAs here.
  13. If they used the same language in your invite, it was supposed to be "informal" and specifically said there was no need to prepare, so don't feel too down about how the interview itself went. This might mean that they still really consider the application materials as the main decider for admissions. That being said, I was a bit shocked that they would call it informal and then basically just drilled me with five questions in 15 minutes. I believe I did fine, but I was a bit taken by surprise and thus was a bit more rambling than usual.
  14. Not sure if anyone else has applied here or not, but I got an email to do a 15-minute informal interview this afternoon with Washington University in St. Louis for their MFA visual arts program. Would be interested to hear if anyone has any insights or opinions on this program as well.
  15. Yeah, I thought the same as well, but when you read the breakdown, it's actually 35 minutes in total. I think the slots themselves are just an hour in case anyone goes over and/or to give the committee a break between interviews.
  16. Hi everyone, updating that I just got the invite to interview with University of Michigan.
  17. I also got an interview with UCSD, best of luck to you ArtRocks, and sending good vibes to everyone for the upcoming weeks!
  18. Hi, so I read this post after having already applied to CMU, but I want to thank you for sharing this and sorry for what you had to go through. I, like someone else just posted, got the email to interview with CMU, and I am still going to do the interview, but it seems pretty unlikely that I would actually go here if accepted now. Would you mind, if you are willing, to share any more information, especially about what exact issues occurred with the funding?
  19. Yeah I'm applying to Michigan as well and assuming the interview requests will come out soon if they haven't already (hoping obviously that they haven't lol).
  20. Hi everyone, found this recently and it has been very helpful. Figured I would also share briefly that I applied to nine schools with a photo/video concentration. I already completed an interview at one, University of Arizona, and then got a rejection from Northwestern. Seems it is also a rejection from UCLA if the interview requests have already gone out. The ones I am still waiting on are U Michigan, UT Austin, VCU, UCSD, Carnegie Mellon, and Wash U in St Louis. Good luck to everyone and will update if I hear back from other schools.
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