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Everything posted by Blaze

  1. I am sorry jjooeeyy... that is TERRIBLE. I am really sorry... I hope for the best of your condition and surgery. Praying for your. ?? It's so brave and tenacious of you to make it and go through this stressful process... God bless you ???
  2. Hi Norwood! I'm really really sorry for what you are going through. I do not have any comfort or advice besides the fact that I deeply commiserate with you. Sorry. But I agree with you that life can go very suck, and at this point no light uplifting words can work... I feel bad for you, truly... because I do hate life, because it treats many good people very badly... I am sorry. Know that you are not alone in the mire of life ... I think negativity is probably a condition of life... I like this anecdote of Beckett: This one time, Samuel Beckett and a friend were crossing a field outside Paris. The sun came out from behind a cloud and SB’s friend said, “It’s a lovely day, Sam.” SB: “That it is, that it is.” Friend: “Almost makes one glad to be alive.” SB: “I wouldn’t go that far.” I hope you can still gather yourself together in this mire ... how? I don't know. for me I only read (I mean anything) when I am really depressed, but they do not in any way mitigate my feelings or solve my problems. but sometimes they understand how bad I feel... and that might be a comfort. I have three straight rejections and two pending ones, so congratulations on your at least having a waitlist! It is not a guarantee to anywhere, but you know your writings is approved of by someone ? I agree with all @DayOld711Pizza said. Also, if you are looking for specific advices on how to proceed, I think Draft might be the place to ask, if only because many vets in Draft are experienced in applying for MFA for many times while balancing life and writing. Please forgive my very weak reply, because I only gather my crippled minds/shits enough to write a reply ... ?
  3. lol, sorry for your ban, but literally I'm laughing out loud - sth so funny. don't know why lollllll but, no, do be careful, don't get banned again ?❤️ I hope everyone is able to enjoy the weekend despite the stress ??
  4. oh shit this was embarrassing... sorry @notebook but yes your writing was so impressive, especially considering how effortless it seems for you to write so well... I hate my bad memory (ಥ_ಥ) really sorry for the mistake!!
  5. Congratulations!! So happy for you ☺️ !!
  6. you wrote such good sensual fiction here (I'm not saying that it's the only type you write), and obviously it didn't take you any effort writing them, that I thought you deserve getting into any program you applied!! Fingers crossed for you and all the talented writers (•̀ω•́)
  7. I am reading Anna Karenina if that counts... tried War and Peace and gave up. 587287 words is still a little daunting for this period (;´▽`)
  8. Thank you for the kind words ❤️☺️ hug hug
  9. Hi sorry for the negative energy here, but I'm bummed again that there is still no news from Northwestern. I know there was an acceptance last week, so rejections should be out either today or tmr. I'm checking my mailbox and portal literally every other second ... sorry for the negativity, but the wait is suffocating ? P.S. got rejected from Cornell last week, knowing this is another rejection, but the wait still kills me... Fingers crossed for everyone to get into their program eventually ??
  10. Thanks for replying!! Then Cornell is the first school I know that sends out acceptance wayyyy earlier than any other decisions... I mean, sure. But that's still kinda mean ? Anywayyyy, congrats to those who got in!! (´▽`)☆´
  11. Hi friends!! Did anyone hear back from Cornell? I saw on the result page that someone already got an acceptance, but there is nothing in my portal. Even a rejection is better than waiting now ... ?
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