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Everything posted by sillystring

  1. I'm applying to non-specific media or installation programs, so my experience might be different than others, but I've gotten a rejection from Northwestern and had an interview with U of Iowa. I'm still waiting on responses from Rutgers, Michigan State, U of Oregon, Cornell, UC Irvine, and UCLA. Regarding Iowa's interview, I applied to the Sculpture & Intermedia program. The questions were actually less intense than I had been preparing for: 1. Why did you choose the Sculpture and Intermedia Program at UIOWA? Please name the three strongest aspects of our program that made your decision. 2. Our TAs teach either introduction to Intermedia or intro Sculpture courses. Which course would you prefer and most closely aligns with your skill set? 3. What new research directions do you hope to pursue if admitted to U. Iowa? 4. Have you researched Iowa City? 5. Why do you want to pursue an MFA? 6. Please tell us about one or two of your best pieces in more detail. Of course, I still properly freaked out about them and was overthinking them all right up until I had my interview lol. I was only asked three from the list, and the discussion was a prompt 20 minutes. Hope that might help someone out there! Great job so far everyone, stay strong!
  2. I have a Zoom interview for Iowa upcoming, and they send a list of questions to prepare beforehand. The interview is scheduled to be about 20 minutes, so I'm not sure if all of the questions will be asked. Funding was a big factor to my list of schools I applied to as well, but in any interview, I prioritize speaking about what I hope to learn in the program, what I want to research while I'm there, or what I admire about the school, facilities, or faculty/other grad students. Focus on the art and your goals first and foremost. In my experience from job interviews and interviews for undergrad scholarships, I have found that it's okay to say you appreciate the financial support a program offers after you've explained why you're a good fit and such. "This is an ideal program for me, so I was excited to see that there are opportunities for fellowships and TA positions that can financially support me as well." Tack it on at the end. IMO, it feels unnatural to just walk into an interview and pretend I'm rich enough that money is no object! I also openly state that I'm from a low-income background in my personal statements. So I make my financial needs take a backseat as a quick acknowledgement, one of many factors that encouraged me to apply to [Insert School].
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