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Everything posted by antidisestablishmentariani

  1. I had a similar thing happen, except a had a few between excellent and very good (plus the one fair, arg). While I have been sad about this for most of the day, I'm proud of what I submitted, and will use some of the feedback for my diss.
  2. I haven't received anything either. I think they will roll out emails throughout the day depending on discipline and fellowship .
  3. Look at the 2022 Review Panel timeline, it looks like Ford sent out decisions a week after the last panels convened online. So hopefully we hear back on the 24th or the 27th. But that feels like a year away. It also doesn't stop me from refreshing the Ford portal.
  4. Yep! INeedMoney, I love your handle name. I wanted to make mine antidisestablishmentarianism, but the whole thing didn't fit, and is now confusing 😂
  5. I'm assuming that humanities/social sciences will hear something next week. Hopeful on Monday? (wishful thinking)
  6. OMG! How did you find this? Lol. Great job! I searched for this for days and I couldn't find it.
  7. I love this! For me it's Shake it Off, Taylor Swift! Lol.
  8. Oh dear, this is starting to feel like when I was applying to grad school! Lol. I checked the Ford website, for no reason really. But I'm getting into that weird head space where you check in on the portal randomly, knowing there will be no info there.
  9. I tried to search for humanities review panel, but I couldn't find anything. I'll keep looking and will post it here if I find anything.
  10. Something to help us read the tea leaves https://sites.nationalacademies.org/PGA/FordFellowships/PGA_086216
  11. I know! March 22nd is like years away! I was hoping that talking about it on a forum would make the time go by faster: we can at least commiserate together.
  12. Hi! I'm also new here. Great to meet you all.
  13. Is there like a chatroom on gradcafe? Lol. I guess they don't have those anymore?
  14. I'm a super Gilmore Girls fan, and just started re-watching the serious and something about it just reminds me of grad school. Does anyone agree? Any theories as to why? I think Rory is a good character for introverts (and if you're in grad school, there is a good chance you can relate to Roy's bookworm tendencies). Later in the seasons, she goes to college and is out of her realm a bit. Which feels like grad school all the time. Anyways, I hope some fans add to this thread. Suggest theories, episodes, etc, as it relates to grad school.
  15. New here. Thought I would get a thread for this going.
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