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    United Kingdom
  • Application Season
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  • Program
    Political Science PhD

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  1. In light of the national deadline having now passed, I too wanted to post a reflection on here about my cycle applying to Political Science PhDs. PROFILE:Type of Undergrad Institution: UK University (generally well regarded in the country - however, I think what stood me apart in my application was my unique degree)Major(s)/Minor(s): War StudiesUndergrad GPA: UK GPA - High 2:1, US GPA (Study Abroad Year) - 3.94 [all this equaled out to be around 3.8 approximately on conversion].Type of Grad: N/AGrad GPA: N/AGRE: I didn't take the GRE and so only applied to schools which didn't require the GRE or had it as optional.Any Special Courses: I worked as a research apprentice for class credit which appeared on my transcript, I was also a research fellow for my university which also appeared on my transcript. Apart from that, there were no particularly special courses I took part in.Letters of Recommendation: 3 –– a) Undergraduate dissertation supervisor who was also my personal tutor and taught a few of my classes (full professor), b) Research fellow supervisor who also taught a few of my classes (full professor), c) Research apprentice supervisor (postdoctoral fellow)Teaching/Research Experience: I have experience working as a tutor which was featured in my CV (but got no attention in my SoP), A thesis which was more qualitative in nature but featured some quant signals, conference presentation and grant won for attending said conference (with a second acceptance pending at time of PhD applications), 1.5 years of RA experience.Other: Subfields are IR/World Politics and Comparative RESULTS:Acceptances: MichiganRejections: UC Berkeley, Chicago, UCSD, UW-Madison, GeorgetownAttending: MichiganLESSONS LEARNED: For international students who did not go to a US university or have any affiliation with a US university - having an insight into the system is necessary! Through my study abroad year, I was able to cultivate relationships which gave me good advice, allowed me to see example statements of purpose and helped me to understand what committees are looking for in recommendation letters. Without this, I doubt I would have been able to produce an application which met the requirements of committees. Coming from a country which doesn't do standardised testing, I underestimated the importance of the GRE. I thought that because schools had the GRE as optional/not required, then it would not be a detriment to my application. However, through Gradcafe, I learnt that wasn't the case and it was too late for my application. If you don't have any opportunities to display quant skills in your degree, the GRE will help with this, otherwise, heavily signal what you have done in previous research experience to show competency. Despite this reflection, I was able to get into Michigan which is a heavy methods program. For your statement of purpose, be clear on your research interests - these are not set in stone, but tell a compelling story about what you hope to research and what you have done which makes you a good person to research them. Also, elaborate on your research experience and talk up your skills (but make sure it is connected to your research experience and interests). For school fit, think about research centres you might be interested in connecting with to help bolster that section or any languages they offer etc. NB: If you would like to see a copy of my SoP, please PM me. Apply widely - I was told to apply only to top 20 programs and because I am from a country which limits how many schools you can apply to, I only applied to six schools. Whilst I was fortunate to get an offer, PhD admissions is also a bit of a numbers game so don't be afraid to look outside of the top programs. There are some universities which now on reflection might have been a really good fit that I didn't consider. Gradcafe: I only found this site after my applications were already submitted and I went into a major panic about what I had done and concerned that I wouldn't be able to compete. A compelling application is a sales pitch about why you are a good person to add to their program, but also remember that admissions are capricious. Sometimes rejections are the best thing for your journey and will lead you to a better place. At Michigan, there were over 500 applications with 16 admits (who knows how many will enrol) - these are not fun numbers, so don't let this define your worth.
  2. I was just accepted for Michigan in World Politics.
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