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  1. yes. maybe there is a waitlist?
  2. This conversation on Grad Cafe talks a lot about the MA in Art History at UMass Amherst: It seems as though UMass has a lot going for it. I've been accepted there myself and I am thinking of attending (still waiting to hear back from some others, but the UMass program is a definite possibility).
  3. manetdejeuner


    I'm in the same boat.
  4. I also have not heard a thing from any of my schools. But I think artmuse may be right: no news is good news!
  5. Yeah, I just e-mailed the department directly asking if it's appropriate to visit campus at this time. I sure don't want to waste my time.
  6. I made an appointment with a POI, so I'm not sure what to do at this point, seeing that I was not told not to come because decisions had already been made.
  7. Interesting to note. I'm actually visiting next week, so I assume they are still in the process of making decisions.
  8. Has anyone who applied to Columbia NOT receive any e-mail invite? I didn't and I wonder if that means it's a no-go. Just wondering what other responses have been...
  9. Well, I really don't have time, but I am willing to sacrifice my less-than-exciting part-time jobs for traveling and visiting schools. I applied to a small number (6) so it's manageable. Thanks for the good luck vibes, and good luck yourself!
  10. I had contacted my professor of interest before submitting an application about scheduling a meeting and was told to schedule through the department secretary. Once I submitted my application, I contacted the secretary and she set me up an appointment with the professor. I've done this with every school that I have applied to---simply scheduled the visit/interview without waiting to be contacted. Some schools I've visited/interviewed at before submitting my application, some after. I am still a prospective student with no admits, but I am assuming that if UChicago had already decided who they were going to admit, they wouldn't have told me to come visit next week!
  11. Good question. I scheduled an interview/visit at UChicago for late January. They told me that if I were to come in February, I should come the earlier part of the month, so I would say that they make decisions around this time?
  12. Hi Snooztina, I don't think it would make it or break it either way. It sounds like that if you were to respond (or not) you probably wouldn't hear anything back. :-( If you do choose to respond, I would just make it short and sweet. Good luck! I would also suggest for future contacts with potential faculty to contact the department secretary first who often times will set up a meeting for you. This has worked quite nicely for me in the past. It depends on how each school's department functions.
  13. Always e-mail the department if you are concerned. My SOP is about 1100 words or so and the admissions and the admissions committee told me that was perfect. Just as long as it's in the 1-3page single spaced range I think you're fine. BUT, I would always contact the departments directly to make sure.
  14. Yes, very good advice. I am also applying to UDelaware and I am visiting this week! Do you like it there?
  15. Hi Guys, I am hoping that someone could give me some advice---I've taken the GRE twice and my scores are in the 500 range (both quant. and verbal). My scores the first time around were better and I managed a cumulative score of 1120. I am concerned as to whether I should take the test a 3rd time---I am especially worried about getting funding. I am not sure why I am so average on these tests---I took a kaplan class and I have been studying since August. It's just very difficult for me. Any thoughts? Thanks!
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